
Out near Boulder we got Frozen Dead Guy Days — a pretty rip-roarin’ hippy fest with a real dead guy on ice as the main attraction. You know the GOPers could do the same as an annual fundraiser with Ronnie’s corpse. Or hell, copy them Catholics with relic processions and a full veneration of St. Ronnie (but guess

Yep, pretty sure the Montessori counselor said the same about my 4 yr old.

blood smear on the leg of his pants so lily white bwana went a bit primitive but no worries, the help will get that washed out

What about Body Heat, Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys and Brazil, House of Wax w/ Vincent Price, or the real Oldboy (not Josh Brolin bullshit) - I’d add those for consideration.

and because of this vehicle, today we have no more Morrokides. Our great sylvan plains bereft of jeweltone Morrokides. Oh the humanity.

Hmm, the mind is runnng:

I’m suffering a seizure about that due to my obsessive need for order & alignment. That needs fixing.

and you don’t work in tech

your last paragraph there, that whole scenario is perfect, hough we’d lose you in the process. How about a repurposed suicide martyr to peg Cruz or Rubio — he’d get a lad of heavenly virgins and we get to x-off a couple more asshats.

What a beautiful thought — it makes his departure so much more enjoyable. Didn’t he call Houston his hometown?

I do not smell of pee and am graced with social skills that far exceed most mens hosiery — do I get to the head of the line? Perhaps not, but I’m worried that your threshold for bangability should be reconsidered and perhaps more discriminating.

I’m surprised no one else has ripped you a new one. Endeavor was a trim level — the one that got you heated leather seats, better instrument panel, wood grain accents, and such. So stifle it on calling out folks stupidity — do a little research yourself.

that’s the spirit — be proud of both the car and your manhood.

while they mention your too small a penis

What? You gonna give up rolling with Cup O Noodles so you can get soaked by Hans & Frans for a tune-up. You’re smarter than that.

“cure” aging? Interesting nonsensical statement. How is aging a sickness? At what age would aging be cured? While one is a child, a young adult, an empty nester, ... when? From the moment of fertilization aging of the organism is part & parcel to living. Every living thing ages so the only permanent cure, the cure to

you know that for a fact? He merely repackaged banal nostrums with as much relevance as the kitten “Hang In There” poster and I would bet anything he’d throw a major hissy if he didn’t get his 1st class upgrades.

needs a reboot?

Gawker knows what they’re doing. Gawker knows exactly what they’re doing. For anyone to think Gawker does not know what they’re doing ...

wait a min ... Oh geez, I did, I fell for it again. What a dumbass