Don DiMello

Don’t you have some girls to focus on? 

there is absolutely something unethical (if not patently illegal) with causing a buying craze for no other purpose than self gain or because it’s a trend”

...Are you that naive? Securities fraud generally requires misrepresenting what you are doing. These folks are being absolutely public about everything they’ve

he joins a chorus of privileged public figures who have felt a need to speak out against this maligned “cancel culture”—which tends to actually consist of marginalized communities speaking out against sustained, systemic abuse

Putting this here for Knope Grope is Last Hope in case they decide to flag my comment again:

What a disaster! And what an insult to black folks.

So, basically, if you have any concerns about her history as a prosecutor, then you should fuck off and die.  I guess the better solution is to just close your eyes and pretend the conservatives aren’t going to try to use that as a wedge issue and hope for the best?

I thought people were protesting against the police, not wanting them to be more unaccountable...

...and it’s acknowledged specifically for how racist it is?

I simply disagree, that very end was powerful but I don’t think it could be read as Lee putting on a band-aid and then ripping the band-aid off to show that it was always infected. The Tarzan happy ending with everybody cheering they got the bad apple was the end of the story and the movie; he very well may have

David Brooks, Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss all still have their columns, but please by all means continue to cheer Roman’s misfortunes because she had the gall to say something mildly rude about a fucking millionaire.

I liked 3 Iron a lot.

I don’t even remotely understand this mindset of “These on-paper plot points that are completely devoid of context look bad to me, so I will not enjoy this story.” 

The idea that accepting money from Louis CK is less moral than accepting money from Mike Bloomberg is laughable. 

...Really? I’m gonna have to Google the thing myself? Maaaan...

As much as I loved Tiger King, I was really conflicted about some of the Carole stuff it showed. Not because I don’t think she could be a horrible conperson like the rest of them, but there the presentation felt most manipulative, if that makes sense.

Hey remember when Joe didn’t only vote for the Iraq war, but ENTHUSIASTICALLY pushed for it?

How DARE someone run in an election! That psycho!  How dare someone criticize the democratic party, they’re the greatest party ever!  They only suck Republicans dicks half the time and bomb country slightly less than they do.

Why is it bad for Joe Biden to have to answer policy questions that are important to the voters he is going to have to win over in order to be President?

It’s March. The 2008 primary stretched quite a bit longer (as did the 2016 Republican primary). If Biden’s candidacy would really be that damaged by a long-shot Sanders remaining in the race for a couple of months longer, then his “electability” argument is pretty weak on its face. 

Unlike Joe Biden who is a holy saint, if you ignore the groping, and support of segregation that is