Don DiMello

When I played it, and I got to the bit where you’re wandering around the farmhouse at night before heading back to Seattle, I damn near stopped playing the game right there, rather than actually make that decision. I knew what it would mean at the end of the game.

I’m going to say this without being ugly or mean (unlike quite a few of these responses - since when did commenting on the internet HAVE to be about being a dick?).

Ellie, in the games, makes no sense. Just like Nathan Drake makes no sense. Just like, honestly, Joel hardly makes sense. To be able to go out of your way

The problem with Season 2 will be the story.  It was sadly written by a child and is like if fanfiction went rogue and just thought “How many ways can I delivery the same message for 20 or so hours in the most in your face unfun way possible?”

“the popular critique that Marvel movies are void of meaningful plot or societal relevance is objectively false unless you’re determined to see them that way.”

Tell me if I’m understanding your last paragraph correctly: white supremacy creates a pecking order, and whenever any nonwhite person commits a hate crime, it’s still white people’s fault. Because pecking order. Are you familiar with the phrase “mental gymnastics?”

It sounds to me like there was a divorce agreement with a change of control provision for the family company requiring a supramajority. I suspect it didn’t specifically mention the kids, and in the context of a divorce would instead have been understood as protecting Caroline’s interests, as she is also a large

The kids having veto power came from the Divorce agreement between their mom and Logan. Logan bribed her to adjust the agreement to remove that power.

Sorry to be a pedant but what exactly was the nature of this arrangement where the kids had veto power over change of leadership but the mother could also unilaterally nullify that same power? I’m sure I missed some things that explained it more clearly but it also came off as a fabricated plot device just so we could

If you can’t impale someone with your nose as a finishing move then I’m not interested.

I don’t understand the sense of ambiguity people have about who set up the speakers. Kendall sends his lackey on a “shopping trip”, then the speakers play Rape Me during Shiv’s speech (which is totally the edgelord move that Kendall would think is so cool and transgressive) and then when Shiv goes to Kendall’s office,

those dudes are definitely having more fun than you are lol

The idea that Covid-19 either originated from the WVI or as a result of sample collection without proper PPE seems credible. Dismissing it outright feels naive at best, and fuels distrust of media and government.

What they’re saying is “here’s a game based in somewhere that resembles Cuba, a place where we could probably come up with a story about Guerilla warfare that would center itself perfectly around our openworld style of gameplay.”

It doesn’t have to have any actual connections to any real world beliefs.

This was a pretty fucking stupid idea for a movie.

“Yi also posted a checklist of what she feels is necessary for Rogen to do in this situation, which reads..”

I feel like I land in the middle here because on the one hand, she seems awful, but on the other hand, I don’t believe that all dogs have an endless right to life so long as we don’t have dog zoos they can live at if they’re seriously violent. As in: in the real world, aggressive dogs are very hard to just “keep away”

This isn’t an artistic choice, but a flat out omission. If they are letting you essentially “pause” the game by suspending the console, it’s no different than allowing a “pause” when the console is turned off or if the game is updating.

It’s kind of written that way.

Ah, true, Martin Scorsese, famously lacking in historical knowledge of cinema.