Don DiMello

The only person who has a shot at beating Trump is Sanders. You can’t fight right-wing populism with “Don’t worry nothing much is going to change.”

I assumed you meant Grimes and Musk.

A terrible candidate is still a terrible candidate no matter the sexual orientation?

I’ve had to vote that way for basically my entire adult lifetime - from Al Gore to Kerry (ok fine I voted green in ‘12, but I was dissapointed in most of Obama’s policies by that point) to HRC in 2016. I’m done with voting between hot shit and cold shit. I’ll vote my conscience, and won’t feel a shred of guilt for it.

There’s actually a worse possibility: it’s Bernie who gets the plurality, but Biden who gets the nod.

No way. He hasn’t campaigned in any Super Tuesday state in over a month and he has 1 office in California. He’s spending hundreds of thousands on ads when Bernie and even Warren are spending millions, and Bloombergs in about half a billion. He’s banking on his South Carolina win to boost him back into the lead, in 3

Only if progressives and people who actually want to win don’t unify around Sanders

“The Invisible Man turns out to be just another dumb movie that is fairly blasé about depicting women’s suffering for the sake of entertainment.”

I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.

Whew lawd I knew the comments would be good, lololol. Lawd the hand-wringing here is really somethin’ special.

The idea was half cynical meme, half sincere lament, but it effectively poured salt on the post-election wound.

This is such a bizarre comment - no need to further investigate or question? Only look at one source?

I mean, once you rule out Harris not addressing her past as a DA, her constantly moving platform and lack of a coherent campaign strategy all you’re really left with is sexism and racism so Castro and Booker do have a point.

That’s the thing. There are only a few farms in the US that make foie gras and they are all very open and detailed about their farming practices. It’s clear that they treat the ducks humanely,* in many cases far better than most animals raised for human consumption in the US, particularly on high capacity industrial

No it tastes good. seems naive for the writer to ignore the fact that Epstein’s death enabled a LOT of powerful men to go about their business.......

Hand me my tin foil hat then...because he didn't commit suicide and I think the details and story behind it are important. 

You know who else escaped justice? Literally everyone who associated with Epstein who now conveniently cannot ever be named by him.

Hot take,but (stay with me),we all know how every time Trump accuses someone of doing something,A) they probably never did it,or he’s twisting things around to make them more than what they are,and B) he’s usually done the thing he has accused someone of.

Yeah, but knowing how he died and who murdered him (if he was) would undeniably help in the pursuit of justice for his victims by taking down his rich and powerful pedo clients.