Don DiMello

Oh no, you have to open a different program to run the game!

ST satire, as well as it’s targets, are pretty clear: jingoism, fascism, blind loyalty to a warmongering government, the othering of one’s enemies, governments’ and military’s use of propaganda to sell war to a people and a quick, violent death to young people, and how easy it is to convince ourselves that we’re the

I believe him too.

It is cloying childish music. Mass produced garbage praised by Buzzfeed poptimists and outlets that make a cut on big studio releases.

I’m not commenting on her talent, which I’m sure is ample, or her achievements in life, which appear extremely impressive. But Taylor Swift is very much a mass marketed construct, a company as much as a human being. I’m sure the person at the center of all that is complex and perhaps even worth listening to, but when

Israel made it a condition of Tlaib’s entry that she not talk about the BDS movement.  That wasn’t something she could agree to.

“despite the fact that Khalifa performed in but a handful of films, despite the fact that she says she was in the industry for “three or four” short months”

I don’t see anything glamorous or sexy about Fight Club, and I don’t think the movie does either. It’s a bunch of dudes misguidedly grasping for meaning by punching each other in basements and plotting acts of terrorism in... “a cool architectural loft”? What? It’s a dilapidated shithole! And none of these guys are rea

Fight Club is an extremely subtle movie. Sure on Level 1 you have the uncritical glorification of male violence, and on Level 2 you have the criticism of said violence and the resultant slide into becoming a totalitarian drone of a completely different sort, but there is a third level to this story.

Notice something.

Let’s be clear, no one is entitled to forgiveness... full stop.

Exec 1: How the hell are we going to market this movie?
Exec 2:  Better put “SATIRE” in big red letters in the trailer.

There’s been a lot of talk about extra “context” and with this documentary people making Michelle Carter, the woman who got all of 15 months for this... to be the victim. Here’s why I don’t care to watch this documentary and have zero sympathy for her. I’ll let Michelle Carter’s actual words to a suicidal person do

This is out of genuine curiosity, but what was the ample evidence in the documentary to argue that the conviction wasn’t just? Especially since a lot of the notes seem to indicate that the documentary doesn’t really build a solid case. Not claiming against it, just that the AVClub review also glossed over that part.

It’s fucking dumb to “restructure” your brand and then kill off the ONE NAME that had any brand recognition. Call “black label” Vertigo instead you iddgitts.
They’re comics, not whisky.

She’s right tho. 

I am disappointed in Quentin’s response as well. After that reporter’s snotty, rambling “question” about the number of lines Margot has versus her level of star status, I would rather have heard something like, “Would you like to do a rewrite? Did you have some lines in particular you would like her to have said?

I’m going to repost this link every time folks complain about WotC not doing enough to promote the “best” MtG players:

The people who have been there for years suck at their jobs. Seniority doesn’t mean shit when the results of your “leadership” is the biggest stinking pile of shit the country has ever seen.

no. 20% is an extremely generous tip. Call me a fucking jerk all you want. Tipping is stupid and sexist, and we should be pushing for a change that sees servers paid a fair wage and doesn’t put customers in that awkward situation of tipping. IT DOES NOT CREATE BETTER SERVICE. And you know what? The 2% they’re shorted

Under The Skin, Obvious Child, Ex Machina, The VVitch, Moonlight, Room, Hereditary (which I loved but you called him an edgelord for some reason (I don’t think you know what edgelord means)), Eighth Grade, Lean On Pete, Lady Bird, Green Room, The Lobster are all great and certainly more than 3. A lot of those are even