Don DiMello

“a scold in countercultural drag,”

That explains the acting.

The clouds part, revealing six golden letters each a mile high. The masses weep as they are struck by the glory of these divine words:

“That suggests something of a reversal: Game Of Thrones isn’t just telling the rest of Martin’s story before he can finish it himself; the show is doing it better than he could.”

Yes, we can and should feel empathy for the family, but at the end of the day we shouldn’t simply not discuss the case just because the family doesn’t agree with the decision. The family is never going to want to revisit a horrific crime that their family member was a victim of, but ultimately it’s more important that

I agree, it must be traumatic for them, in a way that neither I nor most commenters here can understand. With that said, Syed is entitled to a fair trial, and while his guilt might be debatable, I doubt many could claim that his first run through the system was fair. Lee’s family didn’t sign up for this, but if Syed

There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.

It didn’t ruin other games for me but it definitely put into perspective what I enjoy from other games, and I’ve become more selective and critical. But I end up picking games that I thoroughly enjoy from start to finish instead of popcorn games that I enjoy for a burst and then grow bored of quickly. Bloodborne is a

I’m happy Bernie is joining the race. Yeah I said it. Why?

This is good.

He has a large base, and polls show that that base overwhelmingly voted for Hillary in the general. Like, more of his base voted for her than her base voted for Obama.

What I do or don’t think about Bernie aside, y’all need to settle on what you think primaries are for. If the point is to run anyone who wants to run and then pick who the party likes best, quit fussing. If the point is to only run general election shoe-ins or only new people or whatever, carry on. But the latter is a

TBF, I pointed out that Pelosi shouldn’t have been clapping at anything Trump said during the SOTU, to which a dozen people said, “NO, SHE WAS BEING SARCASTIC!!!!”

A willingness to settle and believe in those who’ve smiled in your face while supporting your oppression is why things have continued to go backward for Black people and Americans as a whole for the past 50 years, despite what the media would have you believe. Be in an open marriage if you want to, but don’t lie to

Hm, there’s an old saying that seems appropriate here: fuck the police

As long as he’s treating his employees right and not abusing anyone, good for him.

yet another display of “Yay Progressive Whites!” with the subsequent back-patting for calling out an obviously grotesque moment in American history on national television, yet doing nothing else about its historical effects on the community today.

I’m confused. From the play synopsis it’s basically about an intentionally fucked up therapy session involving three interracial black/white couples wherein the white partners were color-blind ‘love is love’ types who’d happily date and marry black people but act ignorant that their whiteness can hurt the people they

Interesting concept...but if they go with the take that the kid is just inherently evil, less interesting to me. Superman is good because he had good parents and a healthy, stable upbringing