Don DiMello

“Blurred Lines” is an awful song, but that decision was a disaster for the music industry and songwriting in general. If you can win a copyright lawsuit over a song having a “similar feel” to another song, then you are effectively killing art. Influences, inspiration, vibe... these are things that are crucial to a lot

Hillary Clinton: *literally says she carries hot sauce in her bag and does the whip/nae nae on Ellen*
“A real queen. Fuck all of you for not voting for her.”

Cynthia Nixon: *talks about racially motivated arrests, gentrification*
“You can’t trust these wealthy white women. They love to pander.

Some folks just need to admi

“For the most part the writing in this series has been top-notch.”

One day there will be articles written about how Lost made timeline jumps seem like an effortless, essential part of fantasy/sci-fi narratives. It needs to be stated that Lost’s time jumps were more important (because they actually gave us information about the characters AND served the plot) and just flat-out more

Her style of comedy seems just as hacky as the worst “shock comedians” out there, just in the opposite way... Pretty much every clip I’ve seen of her stand-up is basically just her smugly telling largely joke-free anecdotes about encountering people that aren’t as progressive as she is. It’s just preaching to the

Did you really expect Singal or their reps to speak with you given the way you approached the matter?

Yeah, I’ve never liked her comedy, and I always read her “Where in the World” articles on here because the comment sections were so polarized. I personally didn’t find her funny, but expressing that was tough since so many people didn’t find her funny (or took that stand) that I got lumped in with the people that

The link Kangat pointed to exactly describes what I was getting at so if that is virtue signaling then I meant virtue signaling.

I respect Cameron Esposito for being so upfront about her trauma but this also goes to show that “punching up” is not in itself a mark of good comedy. So much of this special boils down to her basically saying “Isn’t it funny how so many people do the wrong thing while I do the right thing? Please clap.”. Pandering

Bamboozled already covered this, for better or worse.

It’s clear that he identifies strongly with his female protagonists, and for many females, life sucks.

Serial was a well-done, compelling, and grossly entertaining podcast. It also failed at pretty much everything that would have made reopening and publicizing the brutal murder of a teenage girl a worthwhile endeavor rather than cheap exploitation.

He super didn’t, tho.

I love the “HE DID IT” posts. Even if he did, there is no way they should have convicted based on that shitshow of a trial. I’m down for more info.

Oh come on. It was a misguided joke he made. Besides, he lives to rile people up. Kanye West is a boy scout compared to von Trier.

I just listened to Serial and Undisclosed. I think there is enough there to raise a reasonable doubt about his guilt.

The reaction was overblown. If I recall, he said something to the effect that he understood Hitler as a human, which isn’t a terribly controversial statement when you consider all the arguments about the banality of evil that came out of the Holocaust. Hitler was a human and we have to keep sight of that. Claiming

Okay, so can we please just go ahead and conclude that “going off” on someone is not in the same category as forcibly kissing them, and need not be introduced as though it’s of even remotely the same class of (mis)behavior? I’m sorry, but revelations of sexual assault really do not need to be hijacked by accounts of

Jeremy’s Iron

It’s “we can fix Joss Whedon, if only he would give up his own incorrect opinions about art and adopt our correct opinions instead.”