Don DiMello

This statue remains one of the most inspiring advertisements for an index fund that I have ever seen.

I agree about the other examples but not Atlanta. Atlanta is the new “Have you seen the wire?” with white people. It’s stanned for by every relevant white boy critic. I mean walk over to the av club it’s the only show with black people they don’t hate. In fact that’s part of the reason I have yet to give it an honest

Atlanta is absolutely being hailed as genius.


A good point is not equivalent to good art.

Ok, but Don did fake his time sheets and make up a story about Hae possibly going to California. There is just as much “evidence” that he did it if not more. I’m just saying. You don’t know that he did it. You think that he did it. Which is a different matter.  

Nope, not mad, just making fun of your super-hot take.

Hey man, haven’t you been on jury duty? The judge specifically tells you to listen to all the evidence, but if it confuses you and you’re unsure about the situation, just follow your gut.

I like that you can’t cite a single piece of evidence that points to his guilt - just a random assertion that he’s “guilty as fuck.” Such a thoughtful, compelling conversation you’ve created.

I am just here for all the guilter tears (super happy for Adnan too though).

Based on what? I’m not an expert, but what info I do have (mostly from the podcast) AT LEAST made me reasonably unsure of his guilt, that I wouldn’t convict him.

Do you act out scenes from movies ever (except the occasional comedy one liner)? Not unless you are a theater actor. Is singing along to a song something pretty much everyone does? Yes. To compare them is ludicrous. Not that they should be singing along, but the comparison might make you more dumb than them.

This is a long-winded piece wherein Juzwiak tries to squeeze something juicy out of an artist who’d like to talk about her music.

I’m so disgusted by Jesse Thorn’s mustache I had to delete The Sound of Young America & Jordan Jesse Go off my phone

“his ninth, somehow”

Just as long as Cross isn’t dressed like this, I suspect he’s safe in Tambor’s presence:

So? Why shouldn’t he?

Waiting on smug superiority post from Recognitions in 3,2,1...

“So basically, as long as he publicly said “my bad”, it’s a-ok?”

I think people are seriously underestimating just how widespread Tarantino’s POV was at that time, in both the filmmaking and critical community.