Don DiMello

Automatically comparing every other case to Weinstein is not helpful.

It’s because Louis C.K. was able to just toss out his “apology” and disappear without getting put trough the ringer like he deserved, so it’s almost like Stewart has become his proxy for the Internet firing squad.

Yes, and I would also like to see A.V. Club issue a formal apology for all its positive Louie reviews over the years. You guys knew about the rumours, you did nothing about it.

“Stewart discredits the source of the accusations (Gawker, “the internet”) and then claims that he’d never heard them at all.”

Could you fuckers get off your high horse? Stop patting yourselves on the back with this “Oh yeah, we believed the rumors before anyone else” bullshit. Are we really going after anyone who might have possibly heard a fucking rumor and didn’t act upon said rumor in whatever way you deem appropriate?

I think it lessens the incentive for people to apologize for and make up for past mistakes if people refuse to give them even the slightest bit of credit for doing so.

Getting a lotta mileage outta that Psych 101 textbook. Good for you.

To many of you: You don’t get credit for “never liking (his/her/their) work anyway”! shut up, isn’t even remotely about that.

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

I’m just glad that a reasonably trustworthy source of reporting is going to try and suss out the truth here, because some of the prior reporting on this has been ... sketchy reporting from sources of dubious intellectual honesty... to put it mildly.

Agreed. I’ve been one of the people stating that until there’s actual accusations/allegations brought to light that I didn’t think there was a story here. If New York Times is preparing a piece and it reveals details or accusations or anything along those lines I’ll gladly admit to being totally wrong and will say

I would not! Thanks for asking.

Ok, I don’t get why you assumed so quickly that I’m not on the same side as you here. I very much understand that misogyny is a rampant thing in all art, and can be even more insidiously pervasive in the overly protective boys club side of comic book fandom. I’m just wondering if you could fill in the gaps here,

That paragraph doesn’t really include any examples, though, just claims. I’m also wondering what it was in the book that led you to that conclusion.

I’m not telling you how to do your job, honestly. But I do think it’d be helpful to have some more examples of the sexism this book displays. I mean you give tell us about the lame extortionist plot, which does seems weak and lame, but it’s hard to make sense of the low grade and total damning of the book when the

Deion is such a bitch for this. Talked endless shit about Romo his entire career like it was his fault the line and defense were trash for the overwhelming majority of his career and only got his Super Bowl wins because he played on all-time great teams that were great before he got there and stayed great after he

Matt Taibbi is one of my favorite, if not my actual favorite muckraking journalist. I believe him when he says that he made all of this stuff up. Ames, I’m not nearly as sure (my heart bleeds for Mr. Ames and his having to expend effort to woo women in the US, instead of just coercing and raping them, as he did in

A lot of series do this, and it never does anything but emphasize a shitty, difficulty-obsessed gatekeeping effect. Developers: Cut it out.

it is clearly totally inexcusable for an actor to break into impromptu stage combat without warning his acting partner. that is unacceptable.