Don DiMello

And personally, I liked the weird juxtaposition of Page’ epic guitar noodling with Holden’s breakdown. Stop needing everything to be so literal, AVC!

Hopefully we can have a new reviewer for Season 2 because these reviews are painful to get through. We get, you’re trying really hard not to like it for some reason.

Your criticism of Roger Wade is based on 2017 morals, not 1970s. He had many teachers and parents who were okay with it and, in his mind, he was fully in

Oh come on, nobody believes you’ve got friends.

“without being fully honest in what they were portraying or showing... often times cutting out things that would hurt their cause. What you saw in the show was a very small, specifically-selected snippet of courtroom info.”

People keep saying that the singles aren’t the good songs and the rest of the album will be better. This is now three for three on bad songs released.

counterpoint: this is definitely not good. The Lambda Lambda Lambda crew came up with a similar beat and those lyrics sound like they were written by an 8 year old

Lol what? This song fucking sucks.

“Good” is a really strong word, Clayton.

Nice to see he’s really putting his foot down; not willing to toe the line.

So much of his work, when working from the perspective of these allegations being true for the sake of argument, feels like an artist trying to work out how he could have this pathology and still be a worthwhile human being. They all seem to try and suggest “look, these things are complicated.”

Netflix doesn’t sell ads. Why would they give a fuck about Nielsen ratings? The ideal Netflix consumer, unlike the ideal NBC consumer, wouldn’t watch any shows, but would just continue paying because he forgot to cancel a free trial. Netflix is more like a gym than a tv network, business-wise.

The annoying thing for me about about Lars Von Trier is that I think he’s a wonderfully talented filmmaker (the musical integration in Dancer in the dark is a thing of beauty), he often has incredible lead performances in his movies and he has a commendable willingness to always push himself artistically.

1. He was arrested and tried by the same people he was successfully suing for millions of dollars for falsely incarcerating him. These same people became aware of exonerating information and swept it under the rug so that Mr. Avery remained in prison for a rape he didn’t commit and had a solid alibi for.

This, and I say this in the most un-ironic way possible, is good Kinja.

Hey, don’t take this the wrong way, but I think your coverage might be a little biased.

Richard Gere has never sued anyone about that gerbil up his ass thing. The Cyrus family never formally denied Miley was dead and replaced with a look alike. As far as I know, George Clooney has never sued anyone over the ongoing “he’s gay” rumors. Angelina Jolie and her brother haven’t ever sued over being accused

Not true, at least for me. I’d be uncomfortable condemning anyone if the only evidence of wrongdoing was second and third-hand rumors, and if the supposed sources of those accusations started directly refuting them.

Creating a non-worry to pretend to worry about to have a thing to write about, and a piece fucking stuffed with typos. The A.V. Club has definitely been infected by this shitty site.

Wow you people really don’t like him, do you?

As a researcher for many years on this crime, I can tell you that Miss Van Houten has suffered long enough. Never motivated to kill anyone, on the afternoon of August 9, 1969, she overheard - from a fellow Spahn Ranch accolyte, Patricia Krenwinkel -the barbarity of the the crime that took the lives of Sharon Tate and