Don DiMello

Really? You think this is what dystopia is? Hopefully when your get out of your blame the man millennial phase you’ll grow up and see you’re reaching really really far for that, we have it pretty damn good. Large companies pushing each other around here and there has been going on for 50 or 60 years. This whole

What happens to the current insurance industry?

Sooo, what are some female directed films that were omitted that should have been included? You aren’t disproving him. I hate movies in general so I can’t offer anything, can some commenters provide some female directed movies that should be included? Otherwise we’re complaining at the wrong person and yet again,

And have you already forgotten La La Land? Enough said.

Why can’t people understand that he’s just not that good as a pro level quarterback. He is Tebow, Harbaugh gave him an opportunity and got everything that he could out of him.