Don DiMello

You definitely can’t say that the murder of his wife led Polanksi to rape a child.

The song also plays during some scenes in the show and it’s been removed there too.

So are you saying that the world is a worse place with smartphones because of addiction? I’m just trying to pull an argument out of you because you made a statement and gave nothing to back it up.

Lol here I’ll try something. My argument is that smartphones make my life more convenient and therefore the world is better than without them. Do you have a counterargument?

He’s absolutely not judging his characters, it’s very clear he has a lot of affection for them.

What the fuck are you talking about lol.

That explains the acting.

Cue the people who think that some people don’t deserve fair trials if they have a feeling the person is guilty anyways.

That hasn’t been true since Intolerably Cruelty.

It wouldn’t work because setting it up would add at least 30 minutes to the movie if not more. The Dr. Manhattan fake-out accomplishes the same idea well enough and takes 2 minutes to explain to the audience.

It’s very easy to find a torrent of it.

Not excusing what he did but there are so many things wrong with this analogy.

Thank you! I watched it recently and I couldn’t believe that what I was watching was considered some all-time masterpiece. Were some primary-colored lights enough to blow people away? The soundtrack is an all-timer though.

Because it’s not the same movie?

Good point, he should probably just be executed.

No one has even seen the show yet.

Holy shit you are blowing my mind! You’re telling me that the first half of a series covering one book will only cover the first half of the book??!? What a world.

Yes the Manson girls were under duress and mentally ill but you were the one who brought up the race/class of the victims as some sort of mitigating factor.

I gather you aren’t aware of the LaBianca part of the Tate-LaBianca murders. And his targets were only white people because the blacks that he hated weren’t kicking off his precious race war fast enough. There is no reasonable way to spin what Manson did as some sort of political statement against the existing power

The general plot has been described as DiCaprio and Pitt’s characters using the Manson murders to help further their own careers. This on top of Robbie saying that Tate is actually a pretty small role in the movie make me think that the murders are going to occur in the first act just to kick off the ensuing action.