Don DiMello

‘72 I think.

Here’s something for your consideration: Twenty One Pilots are absolutely terrible.

I think that hair was a cry for help.

The link Kangat pointed to exactly describes what I was getting at so if that is virtue signaling then I meant virtue signaling.

I respect Cameron Esposito for being so upfront about her trauma but this also goes to show that “punching up” is not in itself a mark of good comedy. So much of this special boils down to her basically saying “Isn’t it funny how so many people do the wrong thing while I do the right thing? Please clap.”. Pandering

No one is saying that you have to.

Haha are you really blaming a movie on causing someone physical harm?

Nothing to do with the video but I don’t know if I would hold Pure Taboo up as some feminist ideal. Practically every one of their scenes’ plot is incest incest incest.

There’s like 3 Sharon Tate movies in production currently.

Except for the Maeve story line this show is a boring mess.

Atlanta is absolutely being hailed as genius.

How could you be so convinced of someone’s guilt while admitting you would not be able to convict them?

What kind of statement is this? You wouldn’t convict but you are sure that he’s guilty?

Wow I’m glad we don’t need a justice system now since you’re on the case. Thanks man!

People don’t typically recreate scenes from movies period. They sing along to songs all the time.

Only 11 states have 18 as the age of consent. The rest are 16 or 17.

This is simply not true. Most of his movies are big commercial hits.

That is simply not true. Most of his films have been big commercial hits.

So is this story over yet?

I’ll probably still check it out if I can but this is disappointing. I LOVED ‘The Color Wheel’ and ‘Listen Up Philip’ but Queen of Earth was terrible. Perry should stick to comedies.