Don DiMello

I don’t understand why the fact that it was Tarantino doing the choking and spitting on Kill Bill is relevant at all. What does it matter that it was him and not some other nameless dude?

Being a Trump supporter doesn’t make you a fascist, Jesus.

I still miss the New Cult Canon.

Admitting something of your own volition carries a lot more weight than doing it because you got caught.

I don’t know it seems a little disingenuous to ignore that he denied the rumours for years, so he couldn’t have been that remorseful.

I didn’t see where it was indicated that if Jordan recommended that she be freed on account of split personality that she would be sent back to the asylum. It seemed pretty clear to me that the whole hypnotism act was a last-ditch effort by Jeremiah and Grace to convince Jordan to finally endorse a pardon.

Everyone seems very confident that all the rumoured abusers will soon be uncovered in damning exposes like the string we’ve had lately but what happens when invariably some of them won’t end up being accused in this current cycle? Are people going to be less assured in condemning them or hold out faith that their time

I find Paquin to be the biggest weak spot in the show. I don’t believe anything about her performance.

I’m glad this is just a miniseries. Handmaid’s Tale really struggled when it tried to go outside the parameters of the book.

Why do people pretend like there isn’t an obvious reason why Netflix wouldn’t want to release ratings info?

There’s literally no evidence of him having done anything except people pointing to pictures of him and saying “He seems creepy”.

You don’t remember the scene with Wendy and her partner?

If it’s not in the movie it’s not open.

How about the fact the he unequivocally did not get a fair trial the first time around?

Lol what? This song fucking sucks.

You know he raped other women right?

I saw it at TIFF this year and CK said that it was filmed in July of this year. Full admission: I thought the movie was really funny.

How is “that’s not real” not a denial?

Now playing

No comment but here is an interesting behind the scenes documentary of the filming of Dogville

Everything to do with Paul was amazing. Nathan had balls to push it as far as he did with him, he’s clearly mentally unstable.