Don DiMello

So I guess Kinja has ruined the Survivor recaps.

1. Writers can retcon anything.

And what’s the truth?

And a lot of people don’t understand that depiction is not endorsement.

Aronofsky’s Noah also had heavy environmentalist themes, it’s definitely something he feels strongly about.

What makes you think that she is a danger to innocent people?

I just rolled my eyes so hard they fell out of my head.

Game of Thrones is Dan Harmon’s favourite show? Ew.

I don’t think those kids were o.k. with just how different he was.

Still sounds great to me.

That is straight out of the books.

You are sick in the head.

Here's a controversial opinion: Welcome to the Machine sucks. Worst song on Wish You Were Here.

I think thing about Oz I loved the most was that clearly the stories Fontana wanted to tell could never have been possible in a real prison so he just made up an "experimental" ward that conveniently gave him everything he needed to play out his over the top melodramas.

I don't like that they've pretty much abandoned all the R&B elements from their first album like on Days are Gone and My Song 5.

Wildly uneven tone. The film LOVES violence but the lead character abhors it. Shootouts set to Tequila and Hocus Pocus put us in the mindset of the villains, not the hero.

Inland Empire always seemed to me like a FWWM for a show that never existed. Maybe I'd have had more of a connection with it if I ever had a sense of who the characters were.

And the light coming out of the Giant's head.

Lynch has used long shots of car headlights on dark roads on his films forever. It's basically his signature shot like Tarantino's trunk shot.

Did people say that about the creation of the universe sequence in Tree of Life (which this episode was much closer to than 2001).