Don DiMello

I saw this at TIFF last year and at the very least Zardoz is just way more entertaining.

I've read the evidence that was left out of the series. None of it was remotely close to clearing up the case.

You should be a lawyer!

You could also say that shedding light on an unjustly tried case is a good thing.

Is there a significant difference between this guy and Lil Uzi Vert? I keep thinking they're the same person.

People keep bringing up ratings but in the case of Twin Peaks I don't see why anyone would care at all. They've already made the whole thing and Lynch has explicitly stated that there wouldn't be any more. Unless people are afraid Showtime will just stop releasing episodes, which is not going to happen, there is no

Different people have mentioned a 'secretary' a few times now, which has to be Ashley Judd's character, so I'm thinking she's going to be the lynchpin in joining the OG Twin Peaks with the new characters.

The woman who plays agent Tammy is a singer that's collaborated with David Lynch on 2 albums so I'm expecting a big musical set piece involving her at some point.


I think if you're down with Wild at Heart you're pretty much in all the way. Nobody is saying "I love this movie but I could do without Crispin Glove putting cockroaches in his pants".

This world is wild at heart and weird on top.

Brenda was an idiot for giving up the reward. I think she makes it a lot farther if she doesn't fuck over her closest ally.

It seems like the writers are painting themselves in corners with their attempts to expand the world of the book. Talking back loses you an eye but tying up an aunt and making a break for it just gets you a beating? That is ridiculously disproportionate.

She can probably coast on the fact that she was in a movie that grossed a billion dollars this year for a while.

Anyone else not entirely enamored with the ironic music cues? It's the one conspicuously goofy element in a decidedly non-goofy show.

Sarah deserves to win the game just for saving the season from a boring steamroll.

I've seen a lot of people complain about the voiceover but I think it's vital for the story. When the handmaids speak it almost completely consists of canned religious phrases and it's great to hear the juxtaposition with Moss's very informal inner dialogue. Also it's used much more sparingly in the following episodes

But it also makes it not an interesting movie.

I think there's only been more then 1 black woman in like 7 seasons.

It's not scripted.