Don DiMello

Probst is not a bad guy but he definitely came off as super self-satisfied after that.

I hope so!

God I wish Bigelow would go back to making movies like that.

They are not ending the show. It's a recurring joke.

You doing okay?

I think the extra vote is a way better choice than the team advantage. The tribes are almost certainly merging at 13 so that means that there is only one more team challenge anyway and even if they lose again it is very unlikely that Debbie is going. The fact that you can hold on to the extra vote but the team

Of all the qualities I value in artists, humility is somewhere near the bottom of the list.

the bags aren't open until you cut them.

Once you open a carton of milk it's basically just as vulnerable.

I'm actually impressed by his performance on Another Period just because I'm amazed that this guy can function on a professional set.

I kind of like listening to Armen when he's on podcasts with Matt Besser because Besser calls him out but when it's a situation like Doughboys where the hosts have to coddle him it is unlistenable. Either Armen's breakdowns are a bit, in which case it is really unfunny or otherwise it's real and it's just pathetic and

Aubry definitely didn't bomb it, and she faced one of the most bitter juries of any season.

I'm calling it now, Brad makes it to the end if not wins outright.

Yeah I just noticed that. Almost certain she is.

It seems pretty clear that the editors had an imperative to set up a winner vs. winner showdown and this was the only time to do it so they had to throw out anything that might contradict that storyline.

I think it's still a little early to be so sure about that, especially considering we are getting a swap next episode.

Maybe they'll figure out how to make the sister an interesting character next season.

I don't see why they couldn't do nudity, it's probably just a matter of time.

This kind of answer makes me roll my eyes so hard. It's a fucking fantasy, you don't have to deal with real consequences.

If it wasn't tasteless before they were dead then it's not tasteless after unless they died in some sort of horrific way.