Don DiMello

I'm more disturbed by the painfully unfunny things he retweets.

I loved Grantland but The Ringer is borderline unreadable.

I agree but I hope you're not trying to say that TWD doesn't suck.

The most frightening part of this episode is that none of the civilians had the implant but hated the roaches anyway, to the point that they wouldn't even eat food they had touched. It's easy to believe in propaganda but harder to follow it to it's conclusion.

I got the feeling that the technology was fairly new and that it was limited to people near the end of life.

The Halloween movies failed for the same reason House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects work. The villains are the protagonists and are the most fully fleshed out. I loved watching the dynamic between the Firefly family but no one gives a fuck about Michael Myers' background.

I wouldn't group Radcliffe or Stewart with Watson or Lawrence. The former take risks in their projects now while Watson seems to struggle to get any work at all and Lawrence has pretty much given up pretending she wants to stretch her talents any further than "quirky" David O. Russell movies.

After this are we even sure it's a real gun? It seems like the significance is that she was programmed to never be able to use weapons of any kind and now she broke that protocol.

I think if someone picks up the can of milk that Dolores drops and follows her they can take the place of Teddy in the storyline and rescue her. I guess you can join the gang of rapists too. I wonder what happens if 2 guests encounter each other on opposite sides in that "quest".

The park would have shut down a week after it first opened if guests couldn't have sex with robots.

Because it's not a mystery movie?

I agree he was great but his storyline had 0 impact on anything in the show.

Honestly the whole jail reveal should have been episode 2 or 3 and Craig Ferguson shouldn't have been in the show at all.

The Handmaiden is probably not Park Chan Wook's best but I did love it. The trailers really hide how silly it is. It's played for comedy throughout and it's all the better for it.

I will straight up quit watching if that is true.

Well in this case there was a trial and there are plenty of public transcripts to read if you want to make your own decision (spoiler alert: I think he's a piece of shit). With Bryan Singer no charges were made and it never amounted to anything more than an accusation.

I mean it's an unfortunate lyric but I don't think he's talking about children.

What is so bad about My Sharona?

I've seen people have a lot of fun when drunk. Life's funny like that, huh?