Don DiMello

Not that I don't love Darnielle but I hope he can move out of his comfort zone. Wolf In White Van was just like reading the lyrics to a really long (and great) Mountain Goats song.

Literally nothing except the characters is in the comics.

See ya.

Why? So you'll feel better about the justice system accidentally failing into a correct verdict the first time? The system is still fucked.

Wait a second… Didn't Preacher show that Jesse can't make someone do something they can't physically do when he told Cassidy to fly and he just ran into a wall? I guess in this show Hell is a real place but I don't think people can literally teleport themselves there.

Also, Ramsey's trick to lure out Jon worked but then when he is standing alone in the middle of the field no one on the Boltons' side thought to snipe him in the head?

I'm not sure that's a factual statement though.

Drive was an adaptation of a book so blame that if you must. Also Drive is awesome so who gives a fuck?

It's not really relevant to the article but I just want to remind people that the theme song for Happiness by Michael Stipe and Rain Phoenix is one of the catchiest things ever.…

Casino is a masterpiece.

He worked with the same editor for all his films until her unfortunate death in 2011, who Tarantino called his only true collaborator. I think IB is incredibly tightly editor and is probably his greatest film, I don't see any slack in it.

Uh correction, he said he'd jerk off instead of molesting his son.

I like the record but sometimes they come off like a guy writing journal entries that he knows will be read. Yeah it's personal but he's really playing it up for the audience.

The only Dolan movie I've seen is Mommy but I really hated it, almost completely because of that godawful ending. I thought the opening scroll was cute, but when it turns out it was there so he could shoehorn in that stupid turn at the end? Fuck that. And narratively I thought it was such a false step because after

That's weird.

Nothing wrong with exploitation movies if they're done well.

If you don't find Ho Ho funny then I don't know how to help you.

Assuming the character is consistent I don't see any reason (besides age-appropriateness) any kind of narrative situation should be considered off-limits

Jack White.

The write-up here seems to say that Steve Albini doesn't write from the perspective of women but he has written songs from that perspective a few times though, just rarely. He goes through the thought process for those songs in the interview.