Don DiMello

Ronan the accuser was a total blank. I couldn't describe anything about him except he used a big hammer at one point I think.

How is the story of a nebbishy guy who is torn between women who are too attractive for him intriguing?

Good, she was the worst part of season 2.

But so much of Cinema Sins criticisms come from simply not paying attention to the movie. Half the points in any given video are not valid at all.

That kid was awful.

He's been on the Doug Loves Movies podcast a few times and he really does seem like the nicest guy.

It's hands-down their most inaccessible album. If you want to give them a try I might even recommend starting with their latest album and working backwards.

If we're talking about metal there are WAY more inaccessible "classic" albums out there. I get much more pleasure listening to this than something by say, Suffocation, or any well-regarded black metal album.

I just know that it better have a scene where a man rips his own dick off.

The book did kind of make him out to be a creep.

Her episode with Nick Kroll is an all-timer!

The director did the research so maybe my idea of how the pilgrims acted is out of step with the reality, but I would expect that with an ultra-religious puritan patriarch the beatings would come on the regular, not just extremely heightened moments like that one.

I think especially with the witches being real the movie could have used a lot more hysteria.

But was the family even that awful? Considering all the shit they're going through I thought that the parents acted pretty moderate (up to a point). Certainly less hysterical than I would imagine Puritans to be.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who missed all the deep themes that are supposed to be running through the movie, but in that case I wish it was a lot less boring.

I totally agree. The end of the movie is definitely putting forward the idea that becoming a witch could be preferable to living as a puritan pilgrim but this is not supported by the script at all.

Kind of an odd way to look at it, especially since Paul Rust isn't jewish.

Honestly they can scrap Jesus de Sade he's not really important at all.

Well I can't stand you.

Fuck YOU.