There’s also the more precise advice which is,
There’s also the more precise advice which is,
I just moved to Austria from the US with my husband and baby. Fortunately we had decent insurance, as I had to have a c-section. If we have a second child, it will probably be over here as the social benefits are so much better. If you and your wife have a child in Germany and you take as much time as you can off of…
The flight attendants are in charge of safety in the cabin. What if they had a serious issue in flight, and she was too drunk/high to do anything? I’d say that qualifies as endagering lives.
Even a weak dribbler can drive in a run, now and again.
I haven’t seen unexpectedly easy scoring like that since my friends secretly hired that hooker for me.
They are hilariously projecting their thoughts about how ugly Sanders is
After my wife gave birth, we paid off the bill shortly afterward — we are incredibly lucky to have good, albeit expensive, insurance.
Its Pittsburgh, nobody native hears the wheezy breathing.
Hello frothing insane internet rando. The house we bought has been standing here for over 30 years; we destroyed nothing by moving into it. We’ve spent thousands of dollars attempting to replace some of the forest the neighbors destroyed. And the calamities you’re rooting for would be much worse for the wildlife here…
Sorry, but stop promoting Uber, Lyft/Uber are interchangable, but Lyft at minimum has had less high profile shitfuckery going down at its company. Everytime you write an article that mentions Uber and not a competitor you are giving them free advertising. At the bare minimum you should mention both.
Why was he being interviewed by a homeless man with wearing my father’s hat?
+1 New meaning for “Alaskan Way Viaduct”
What I don’t understand is why the NHL would think their audience is right for an ad defending a bumbling grifter of a chief executive.
I think you meant “binge-watching,” unless we’re talking about repeated viewings of CW episodes where the characters are shown excitedly using Bing.
Wouldn’t the body weight only make it harder to reach a .40 BAC? Once he gets to that point, however, he’s still got a .40 BAC and body weight no longer matters. What matters is that he is dangerously shit housed.
You are crazy! You could have had a lifetime of brownie sloppy seconds!
Ya know, at the start of the game, BOTH pitchers are working on perfect games. It really is rude of any batter to try to get a hit in that situation.
But did he lead off with Whoa Black Betty?
Birds are good. Did you know that if you give a struggling cancer patient a bird, it magically transforms their cancer from being their number one worst affliction to their number two worst affliction?
Just taking this opportunity to give a biiiiigggg ole fuck you to the asshole “teammates” of Love’s who dumped on him when he was going through a rough time.