
Holy shit Marchman. You’ve crossed a line. The dude is a straight up beast and you cannot deny his greatness.

Counter-counterpoint: Fuck you, Tim Marchman.

Tim Marchman, known White Sox fan.

Well-reasoned response, there. Is “Tim Marchman” actually the nom de plume of Cory Kluber?

Lemme guess: You’re a Trout fan.

Is hating Miguel Cabrera a thing? I thought he was like Stanton or Puig? Quirky dude who smashes baseballs and everyone seems to like.

Miguel Cabrera is a goddamn treasure

Aren’t they only 3 up on the third place Tigers? That’s really not that impressive, and a travesty that Cabrera isn’t leading at first

Just so long as he tries to charge tourists $30 a piece.

True Detective wipes its ass with Game of Thrones.

As I’ve said before, this is where both the show and books have lost me. There’s no hope, which means I don’t give a single shit about any of the characters, which means I don’t care what happens and I’ll go watch/read something else.

Unpopular opinion alert: Fuck this show. Fuck it right to hell. I sort of enjoyed it from time to time, and then “hey, let’s burn an innocent little girl at the stake!” Jesus Christ. People comparing Game of Thrones to The Wire and Sopranos should lose their right to vote.

I’m sure the Wings can handle it.

Joke’s on them for thinking a Jet will ever carry the Stanley Cup

Man, I haven’t seen that many people pretend to be comfortable around each other since I saw the adaptation of Human Centipede on Broadway.

Yea, us Cavs fans are having a blast right now!

More like ME-Bron James.

The Cavs have been outscored by 13 points in the 22 minutes he’s sat, and by 22 points in the 228 minutes he’s played. On a per-48 basis, that’s losing by 5 when he plays and 28 when he doesn’t.