
The Italdesign Aztec and the Fiat Multipla were both pretty drunk that night in 1992...

I think that’s the perfect idea right there - ticks the “work on a car with the kids” box.

Dooooo iiiiit!

Anytime - glad you liked it.

Last I recall, it got sent to an equipment auction. It was in rough shape by then.

You had me a t-tops. My first “fancy” car (spent more than I needed to) was a Nissan NX with t-tops. I think I drove more with them off then on...and I live in a cold place.

“GREAT topic. So much better than “this car sucks”

Bear with me, but it was a 21-foot 1977 Ford Chateau motorhome. Like this - same yellow and orange stripes, but bunks in the back.

Have they really figured out how to deal with the conditions that make them dirty in the first place?

It kind of looks like what would happen if you left an Aston v12 Vantage out in the hot, dry desert for too long. Sunken eyes...ribs pulled in...all desiccated and corpsified.

I’m with you.

I would love to see someone pull into the pits, get a bunch of Cheerios thrown at their visor...then sigh, and calmly vacuum them out before screaming back onto the track.

“before my excellent colleagues tempt you with obscure right-hand-drive JDM imports”

It could go in the Prelude.

“Dear Singer Vehicle Design,

Emissions cheat-code gimmicky enough?

Ooooh! The Claw! Soon the Aptera will reach Nirvana!

Probably VW.

“I live my life one farthing of a mile at a time.” ~ Dominic Toretto III