Don K

I don’t want to be unreasonable, but why not just call it something else? I think Aziz really got unfairly maligned in this whole thing, and he even apologized for what essentially to me sounded like a bad date with REALLY poor communication between both people in said date. This was not a Kevin Spacey type situation.

“It’s his math, not mine.”

“I’m a reporter, not an accountant”

“I’m a reporter, I don’t have to fact check! I can’t look up tax law! I can’t even dispute these figures until after I interview him!” - Grayson, person with a definitely clean history, and definitely not someone who is called Kotaku’s senior reporter but just reposts other people’s words

I don’t see how you survive if bad math pisses you off to this extent. Bad math is everywhere, I advise some emotional distance for your own well being

Then maybe don’t publish an article until you can verify the tax amounts? It seems really irresponsible to write an article that’s just “person makes bold claim!” It’s like publishing an article “Trump says millions of votes were fraudulent” with no follow up (yes I know plenty of outlets did that, but it was bad)

Oh my god this math makes me freaking angry. None of this is how that works. All of the money paid to charity, all of the money paid to moderators, all of that gets deducted from taxes (NOT from net profits). If he is paying 75k to mods, and donating 80k to charity, then that means that his taxable income isn’t 300k,

Don K, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what Snyder Fans want.

Man, I wish I was born having already created a really famous internet platform and married to a tremendously wealthy tennis player (things apparently some people can do prior to their own birth). Then I’d never have had to deal with being working class the lion’s share of my life. Unlike this lucky guy.

It wouldn’t be the only William Moulton Marston invention involved with the film.

I will tell you what happened. From Bugalaga airstrip you should have plotted a 126 degrees course to the mine, east-south-east.

I think you’re missing the point Riley.

Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).

The writers have a 15 minute window after submission to change any glaring errors, then their article’s locked for good.

This incident perfectly encapsulates why I was never comfortable with the idea of #BelieveWomen and always got into heated debates in the comments regarding the notion that “women don’t lie about these things.” From the Scottsboro Boys to Rosewood, FL to Black Wallstreet in Tulsa, OK to Emmitt Till, White American

Animal Crossing made $3.6 million in April alone

I’m not going off of reporting for remdesivir, I’m going off of what the doctors I work with are telling me. I only get the big briefing from the chief medical officer every other week, though, with the in-between info mostly coming from biostatisticians, so maybe the prospects have turned and my information is stale.

I think you have that opening line backwards. It is not oil that is in the pockets of elected and appointed officials. Rather, it is elected and appointed officials who are in the pockets of big oil interests. And obviously. But this has been true for a long time. And not just oil. Big industry, finance, wallstreet,