They changed the title hah
They changed the title hah
Not defending the creepy guy or the child bride. I’m pointing out the stupidity of YOUR argument.
Why buy the game if you’re going to play it the same way?
The people Spanfeller retained are the people who can churn churn churn without critical thinking or reading comprehension.
Subject: Whedon has weird document mistakes
Yup, I was commenting on people’s comments without reading anything anyone said! I’m a recognitions!
Yes. That’s why the argument was about body piercings and brain development. Because it was an argument about fucking teens. YOU GOT IT BUDDY!
Tattoos = fucking teens
SCIENCE from the POST-PROHIBITION ERA determined the American standardized 21-year-old drinking age? Because we were deep into brain developmental studies in 1920?!
SCIENCE says your brain continues to develop into your mid to late 20s.
It’s the exact OPPOSITE of a defense of affluenza: young people actually have agency over their decisions, and have some responsibility over what happens when it’s THEIR DECISION.
So, not mass murder.
Not fully functioning? In what sense? You can’t think, eat, or make decisions? Can’t procreate?
“To put it in very calm, clear language that everyone can understand and vibe with: They’re going to need a Game Of Thrones-on-steroids-like-viewership to get the most return on their franchise.”
How do you play NBA Rookie Cards
I’m sure you know lots of people who’ve held the same exact position at the same exact company for 20 years.
“Here’s some bad news for the few remaining loyal viewers... Ellen lost over a million viewers after the exposé went viral...”
So losing most of your work isn’t cancelation, it’s losing ALL of your employment.
Good 30 Rock episodes are gone too.
Disney booted James Gunn over a bad joke from many years ago.