Don K

“It’s been a little less than a year”

His union job had great dental benefits.

The entire story has seemed pretty dubious from the start. Fisher just has constantly been either cryptic or mentioned hearsay, and bloggers have just run with it.

Many fans of an American show that took 15 years to feature a black person are horrible apologists for racism, you say?

His ex-wife, Kai Cole, published a piece in The Wrap accusing him of cheating off and on throughout their relationship and calling him a hypocrite:

I’m sure all of the Snyder fans who demanded his version of Justice League will admit they did not ask for a complete second attempt at the movie.

FF7 is awesome, but you have a real weird definition of history.

She definitely extrajudicially murdered a bunch of folk. 

It’s a perfect monster movie opening scene. Can’t script it better.

It’s probably his best movie (depending on your opinion of 300) and yes, it is a pretty well executed modern day zombie movie, but nothing about it shouts “I want to see that guy do it again! Especially after every other cinematic failure since!” in it.

Everyone’s missing the point if they’re blaming the actors.

In Attack Of The Clones, he’s a moody, huffy, obnoxious teenager, but he doesn’t seem like a monster in the making. Lucas made the frankly catastrophic decision to cast the young Canadian actor Hayden Christensen as Anakin. Christensen had done some promising work, but he proved utterly incapable of selling Lucas’

Making it a point not to mention Gamers’ Nexus while writing about this, huh?

They’re not going to have remaining stock in 2 years. As supply increases and demand falls, prices will fall, and they won’t buy more PS5s. No one’s stockpiling them.

Looks like they won out.

“I would TOTALLY shop at GameStop if, despite their decreasing revenue year over year, they’d stop trying to make more money, therefore increasing the speed at which they fail, because I like things that I can already get elsewhere.”

Kotaku herb journalism at its finest

What a weird way to report this particular news.


Someone mentioned that the movement has all the energy of many movements in human history. A bunch of angry people with no real outlet and no real understanding on what’s going on so they PROTEST because they don’t really know what else to do.