But how’d you get a proper webcam
But how’d you get a proper webcam
Imagine if the US military used gaming as a recruitment tool and gaming blogs reported on it, furthering their recruitment reach of gamers that includes pre-teens.
Right. Obviously, Terry Crews should have attacked that white exec in Cali , back in 2003 or 2019 or whatever. That would’ve solved everything!
Community fans are toxic?
Wish people could read their own work before publishing. Or could have some sort of person who was supposed to read their work and revise it to improve readability or correct simple mistakes.
Entertainment Weekly’s Clark Collis put together a thorough oral history of 2010's Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Universe
Well, the thing is, half-black is viewed as black in America (for the most part).
Glad we have no recent news stories of people retracting claims of assaults or, upon further investigation, tons and tons of holes drawn on their stories.
I have no strong opinions on trusting either one of them. I just remember this whole thing where people lie (can apply to either one of them) and also females tend to be unfairly doubted in such circumstances (only applies to one really).
He literally said “We need to break you in.”
(Kotaku, meanwhile, has never used numbers.)
If pop culture advances actual culture, then Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the exact kind of pop culture you want, where the main cast are generally good people who do good things for good reasons.
Probably not, but dumber things have happened.
What new information did the Cuomo investigation provide?
Considering the Cuomo letter almost certainly won the election for Trump...
I don't think you know the difference between personality and race?
“Say some insincere banal corporate platitudes about the social issue of the day or we’ll write a bad post about you!”
“These iconic characters have a deep history in Star Trek canon, yet so much of their stories have yet to be told,” said executive producer Alex Kurtzman. “In fact, there are an infinite number of stories we can tell, and I’ll be sure to pick ones that fly in the face of everything we know about Star Trek canon.”
Remdesivir is probably overrated. If the US early announcement is to be believed (it isn’t necessarily worth believing; there have been scant details and contradicting studies abroad), it might offer to help get people out of the hospital 30% faster, but die at the same rate. That’s not nothing, but it’s not a…
Maybe but maybe not. Since we don’t have the ICU capacity to deal with too many cases, suppression via social distancing/hygiene should be the norm. However, this means it takes a long time to hit herd immunity (consensus is we’re prob at 10%~ tho maybe more or less rn, almost 5-6 months into this thing). That…