Due to the difficulties and dangers in bringing bodies down, most who die on the mountain remain where they fall.
Due to the difficulties and dangers in bringing bodies down, most who die on the mountain remain where they fall.
Counterpoint: The Tonight Show was doing great while “fronted by someone whose sole contribution to SNL was being purposefully bad at performing sketch comedy and whom most people find to be fundamentally unlikeable.”
They did that. It didn’t work.
The difference between 72-88 and 49-63 and 23-25 is not statistically significant.
Nice article.
counterpoint: gengar
I think it’s cuz the author only played Shadow of Mordor and maybe one other game.
Or maybe did more to prevent the Night King from killing so many at Winterfell?
Yeah, but I’d bet you a small sum of money at even odds that she doesn’t.
But JJ Abrahms’s Star Wars is a pastiche of better Sci Fi movies. He’s Zack Snyder with a sunny disposition.
Yes, that’s sort of my point. These are bit parts given to big named actors which completely waste their talent and (maybe cynically) probably use their names to just drive media attention (and sell toys).
Think Karl Urban’s Dredd was able to emote too much by showing off his perfect consistent-frowny face? Disney’s got the solution for you!
11th post of the MLB season for a guy with a .6 oWAR in 48 games.
I think you mean Just Case
I think everyone would be okay with a consistent 5 WAR (all-star production) player for $330 million.
The 10th Bryce Harper write-up this season.
(I would argue) You’re reading too much into the shot. It could’ve fit into pretty any season of the show after her rise to power (imagine the same exact shot after Meereen or something) and meant anything.
You can basically tell what’s going to happen to a ball based on exit velocity and launch angle, and Statcast now shows us that information.
+1 of the good ones