Can’t speak to latinx representation or whatever, but MLB the Show is everything good about baseball without the mind-numbing drudgery of not doing anything for 95% of the time you’re playing/watching.
Can’t speak to latinx representation or whatever, but MLB the Show is everything good about baseball without the mind-numbing drudgery of not doing anything for 95% of the time you’re playing/watching.
Walruses, but yes.
Deadspin has a weird understanding of pro-labor, in that they often do not understand the driving forces behind what is hurting athlete labor.
Pretty sure he just saw Superman as Jesus, not an adolescent.
But what happened to the 5 months of collusion calls because Bryce Harper and Manny Machado weren’t getting deals? We’re gonna settle on MLB is colluding because the arbitration process needs guidelines on how to define a player’s future value so teams talk to each other in a manner that was agreed to by the MLBPA?
So yes they deserve the spite and ridicule because despite all the listed reasons, they chose to bribe, lie, and cheat.
How does Deadspin realize that a large supply of cheaper young players you can draft will freeze out veterans in the NFL, but not apply that to the MLB, and instead blame collusion for that?
Is it important because it brought back 2002 Spider-man’s CGI team to do the black panther vs black panther fight?
Eh, I don’t think this was a precursor to Thor Ragnarok at all.
He lost like 5-10 lb maybe and is sucking in his stomach. His muscle mass is about the same.
You mean io9's “Morning Spoilers: Xatu Reveals Marvel Phase 13 Storylines”?
Haven’t seen a single article anywhere attempting to question the system that causes at least some people to try and spend tens of thousands of dollars to cheat on the SAT and hundreds of thousands to bribe their way into school.
He peaked at the age where position players usually peak, and signed his contract after his 2015 campaign at age 29.
“I don’t understand why teams are reluctant to give these 30 year olds long contracts worth a hundred million dollars plus! It’s collusion! Cold stove! Teams aren’t willing to spend money!” - Deadspin, Early Winter ‘18/’19
Basic income advocates, for the most part, do not suggest you get rid of all social programs.
It’s the amount spent by the US government on assistance programs monthly per capita.
Again, it is libertarian, and it is liberal. Economists, both liberal and conservative, largely agree basic income is one of the most effective ways to combat poverty. (Basic income is a catch-all phrase for a lot of different ideas combined into one)
You have a government program that gives you one used car a year?
How is basic income curated for white people?
Thank Disney for forcing theaters into showing their movies for extended periods and taking a bigger cut, eventually shuttering most movie theaters except for some select ones which only show Disney movies and other giant production company films, so that some big cities will have a couple theaters for niche audience…