It’s really easy to COMPLAINNN when you’re not required to actually implement alternatives.
It’s really easy to COMPLAINNN when you’re not required to actually implement alternatives.
This isn’t directly related to the case above, but... do you want longer murder sentencing?
Writing news stories about a moderate Senatorial candidate a month and a half after the election took place is a leftist policy?
It took Paul Blest and Splinter until 44 days AFTER the election to look up one of the most storied Democratic candidates of the election cycle.
The second was making Spock punch everything.
It’s a blogger specializing in news rewrites who’s trying to throw shade at directors of cinematography for what they might bring to shooting Dune because of “sand.”
“That 1g/lb is wayy overestimating. You might only need .9. “
Black writers/editors are more cognizant of ignorant narratives that they can directly relate to. Since they deal with a greater range of discrimation, they might often have better takes than white people, but most writers and editors are idiots, especially whenever opining about things beyond their breadth of…
Articles are for clicks not information.
in which Bush was the second-in-command and was loyal from beginning to end
Somewhat bad take.
There’s a difference between an example and a class
Ya, my wording was poor. I meant Italy is certainly a place with plenty of anti-black racism, and meant to just mean it as a sidenote.
Sorry, I think I was unclear.
People often forget that many places don’t have a deep history of anti-black racism.
Whatever the case, Luke Cage’s cancellation will remain incredibly complex for many years to come and anyone pretending it’s not is lying.
Why do people treat this like it’s some huge mystery?
by which humanity motherfucked literally the only celestial body in the entire fucking universe ever known for sure to have contained either native life