Don K

Yawn. Classic doxxing and nu doxxing. I’m not going into a longer debate about what doxxing is. Just look up famous examples of doxxing and find which ones consist of “handed out work info to someone who screenshotted and tweeted”

I made it very clear I said it was a matter of semantics.

Yes, it’s probably skeevy to do.

Nothing Paul Blest writes can be considered good.

How is this doxxing?



All negative ads have the same effect? Especially when they have 2 months and 1 week to run? Okayyy.

Yeah, that’s how political ads work.

I also mentioned, y’know, an FBI investigation into his own city hall.

One big downside of Gillum is he’s black and huge swathes of Florida are, uhh... so Graham vs DeSantis might’ve been a much better bet for Dems. Also the FBI investigation is no bueno.

Is “historic” now defined as “potentially historic”?

You can’t even read the story properly.

“It doesn’t matter that they can’t stop this from happening! They’re cowards for not being able to stop it!” - the take of fucking idiots

Counterpoint: they can’t actually filibuster.

This is Splinter. Their education in US politics started in 2017, but they refuse to read anything past the first article (to base their rewrite) and the first dumb take they see (to form their opinion).

Or, y’know, maybe it’s because the Republicans control the Senate.

I didn’t defend him. I don’t even think I wrote his name, or commented on his actions, or even wrote about the news event itself once.

How sheltered and white do you have to be to think that institutional racism wasn’t around before the alt-right gained steam?

He’s older than baby boomers.