Splinter also says don’t count on moderate Dems. Or pretty liberal Dems. Or super liberal Dems. Or Dems that vote exactly how you want them to vote and say exactly what you want them to say but are old. Or white. Or have been in politics for years.
Splinter also says don’t count on moderate Dems. Or pretty liberal Dems. Or super liberal Dems. Or Dems that vote exactly how you want them to vote and say exactly what you want them to say but are old. Or white. Or have been in politics for years.
Splinter also says don’t count on moderate Dems. Or pretty liberal Dems. Or super liberal Dems. Or Dems that vote exactly how you want them to vote and say exactly what you want them to say but are old. Or white. Or have been in politics for years.
Ya, your town officials, probably elected, got scammed by some huckster bringing a CLEARLY FAKE IMMIGRATION PROBLEM up.
Do we really want to abolish ICE?
Michigan J. Frog is a character written with a very simple rule. He can only do one thing. And he works well. He is heavily underrated.
*looks at the entire history of American politics*
The correct answer is no.
9 figures? scream emoji
But perhaps even more interesting and exciting than the revelations themselves is who helped break them: Carl Bernstein
Felt great. Deserved it.
Well, they had Alex Pareen as their political editor for like, a full year.
Splinter News: The Anti-Pretty-Left-Democratic-Party, Pro-Super-Left-Democratic-Party, Anti-Super-Left-Democratic-Party-If-They-Act-Politically Blog Site, saving us from a time worse than the Black Plague!
I mean, in recent years, trailers have become so formulaic. If you can’t cut together a minute of interesting footage and a minute of filler out of whatever for something that requires 0 context to view,seems like a pretty bad sign.
He turned his personal life into a public affair. To think he should have a reasonable expectation of privacy is really naive.
uhh i think you’ve forgotten what people do to people, and women, in history
o so ur saying mob justice can lead to bad things?
the world isn’t just separated into bad and not bad ppl.
Players ... were expecting to open some of the most powerful, and valuable, cards in Magic: The Gathering, but what they got was a Black Lotus.