The wording makes it sound pretty sad, but there’s still something to it.
The wording makes it sound pretty sad, but there’s still something to it.
how’d those takei accusations turn out
The only problem with that comparison is...
You should update your opinion on the state of the blue wave. Things aren’t looking as good for Dems right now.
The other—the #Resistance—is a meme.
Counterpoint: journalists tend to throw “allegedly” to modify every accusation regardless of context. It barely reads as more than “don’t blame us if this entire story is wrong” and the rest of the nuance of the case is thrown out the window.
The use of “allegedly” isn’t a journalistic standard.
Kinda interesting that you can turn a story about the campaign of the nation’s first black woman gubernatorial nominee into the lowest viewed, least commented article on the entire blogging network, huh?
The leagues maybe should be integrated.
Nothing you say is important enough for me to edit my responses. I literalky skimmed through your last rant when you went into some conspiracy about the timing of my replies or whatever.
The problem is she got famous for, aside from her dad, for getting into beefs with Ann Coulter and Laura Ingram.
Either you dont know what you’re talking about or are bitter about some aspect of the race results. There was plenty of framing this race as a proxy for Bernie vs Hillary among national Democrats and donors. [emphasis mine]
Maybe the writers of The Root, and its editors, should try to find the proper tone of indignation for news stories.
Also naming the wrongfully accused in the original story in the god damned article title and then erasing his name from the updated title later?
It makes so many of the comments here a lot funnier to sift through, though.
I mean, what if he could thread the needle, and still offer good jokes and make you laugh even though you were judging him from a “he’s a creep” lens.
I don’t want to discount her chances in the General too much.
I think the point was that the general narrative that the Democratic Party is in the midst of a civil war between the Bernie/Hillary camps and/or that they face some sort of existential crisis is bullshit and Stacey Abrams proved it.
Sorry, I just hate shitty analysis.