
Blue protects blue before blue protects you.

Definitely not subtle, but this was about as good a take on right-wing radicalization as I’ve seen. The Trump thing is tough for TV shows to tackle since it’s so current and inherently over the top, but this episode humanized and deepened Agent Liberty without absolving him or falling too far into caricature. (I think

Still reading through the entire article, but the first anecdote about the cinematic rework at zero hour speaks to a Producer that doesn’t have the power that they should, or doesn’t have the confidence to stand up and justify a negative to their superiors.

Didn’t Chalmers say “Rooney”? Which would make more sense since it’s Scottish football and not the American variety.

I believe she said that she’s originally from another planet. That might be an issue but if she came to Earth a long time ago and was a citizen of the United States at the time the Constitution was ratified, than she would be eligible to serve as President.

I thought Capaldi’s second series ranked up there as possibly the best of modern Who (have to give it some time before deciding if it’s better than Smith’s first season), and Heaven Sent is a near perfect episode of TV that I would recommend to anyone (not just sci-fi fans).


Uh yeah, that was the point of the last panel, to explain that the second to last isn't as good as it sounds. 

“Even David Schwimmer, Odd Chris Evans.... oh good, I rolled a three.”

I’ll respond to emails with “Don’t call me Shirley” if I want, Vernon. Why pretend? We both know perfectly well what this is about. You want me to have an abortion.

The first episode I ever saw, Lorelai is ranting about her mother: “I think I’m getting through to her, but it’s all ‘blah blah blah Ginger’!” I became an instant fan.

My friend had that turned on, and didn’t even realize it. When I bitched to him, and he shut it off, he said he didn’t notice any difference. It’s crazy how much perception can change from person to person. 

nice John Mulaney shoutout

Hopefully it doesn’t involve complex interactions with two other co-producers.

There was a brief, glorious period of time where the website to sign up for CBS all access was

This is, of course, in addition to taking snapshots of street maps, signs, and any important piece of paper that crosses your path.

Sugar Babies are the wildly superior, tiny nugget, form of Sugar Daddies.

Oh, and best of all, he didn’t call Lavinia by name, he called her “Murderer”.

Here’s an idea: Disney launches a stealth campaign against the Nazi rapist Cernovich by having news sites run stories about his Twitter history and criminal record to discredit Gunn, thereby giving them a reasonable opportunity to save face and rehire Gunn by, rightfully, showing that the accusations are in bad faith. 

I’ve made the slightly hyperbolic, but not really, argument that Trial & Error is more Arrested Development than Parks & Rec. It’s got this wild joke-a-minute approach that makes every half-hour feel breathless while still being able to ratchet up the tension as the seasons go on. Sometimes you can see the seams, but