
There are people with Yahoo Mail addresses who think you have to go to their website to read it!

My wild-ass human sexuality theory is that men, much more than women, believe at their core that “attractiveness” is an objective quality and if there is disagreement about it, somebody is wrong.

You have to admit that SNL having TWO actors from the laff riot “Euphoria” within a couple of months is...not what I would have guessed.

I respect that question, honestly.


In the UK, “Pop Tarts” is the tabloid name for hot young female singers, so it’s already its own porn name.

I loved it.

Every time It’s Alive is mentioned I have to jump in with my favorite thing about the franchise: in It’s Alive 3 (“Island of the Alive”!) the monster babies grow up. Not into adult monsters, but into GIANT MONSTER BABIES.

We had a “soundtrack” album which amounted to at least half of the film’s dialogue.  Awesome.

I wonder if men feel worse about this game than women?  There are two sequences of the character I’m controlling brutally beating a(nother) woman and that was the worst part of my experience.

Christ, a couple of offhanded mentions of the very successful TV series, which just won 2 acting Emmys and 6 tech Emmys, doesn’t make it “an ad”.

Stop and Shop has that in the Boston area, at least.  Every time, I think “I should try that” and then don’t.


Sounds like she doesn’t score highly enough on the Anytime test to get to the next barrier — I’m guessing they wouldn’t assume “Emma Stone” is THE Emma Stone — but also, yes, there’s no way they’d pick a celeb for the non-celeb show.

[6 months later] I swear I saw that and thought I’d been sleep-playing. “Those names are familiar...but I know I didn’t catch 5 horses in this game...”

My favorite weird map fact is this: If you are in Stamford, Connecticut, go in each of the four cardinal directions until you hit a state line. In each of the four directions, it’s the CT/NY border. That little piece of CT sits in kind of a peninsula, surrounded to the west, north and south by New York. The Eastern

So they won’t open on Sundays, they’ll just make money from somebody else being open on Sundays.

Yeah, in HACF the number of thing that our heroes ALMOST invented was silly.

Side point on this week: did the show ever notice before that it has two major Black characters, and they look remarkably alike, despite their genders? Both Dev and Dani are slim with close-cropped natural Black hair.  

I can hand-wave up the logic of Ed being on Mars, which is that over time, being on a Moon or Mars colony stops being “you’re an astronaut” and becomes “you’ve living abroad in difficult conditions”. He could be a non-flying XO, and I think mostly was. His trouble is that he doesn’t get that the deal has changed, and