
One thing I love in music is songs whose lyrics tell you when they’re done. Tons of good examples in show tunes, but Margaritaville is one of my favorites; the progression from “it’s nobody’s fault”, to “it could be my fault”, to “it’s my own damn fault”.

Yes, I understand that.  I meant that this was my theory between the time that Lazlo had them turn off the video, obviously because something was about to be revealed, and that mid-credits sequence.

Yeah, he should be amazed he’s still alive at all at this point.  Messing with a lawman’s teenaged daughter in any way is probably even higher on “you know you’re getting killed, right?” scale than killing a cop.

I thought the reveal about the vamps’ talking about The Guide on video was going to be that they were really praising Doll Nadia (I actually forget if they left it ambiguous since I only thought of it between the two scenes.)

I think they’re trying to leave it an open “well, what do YOU think?” thing whether Raylan really thought the guy was going for a gun or just didn’t care any more and took the opportunity to have his shoot be...justified (everybody drink!)

Yeah, and a large amount of Andor is this same trope, where the Only Person Who Sees It tries to get the Empire to take the threat of rebellion seriously.

The theater people are/were hoping for an increase in concession sales, which makes them more profit than ticket sales.

I’d like to object to “holding your hand” as a sneer term for what I’d call “telling the story”.

It was written by somebody who calls a steering wheel a “driving wheel”, so...?

My favorite minor point about TS is how it invisibly shifts from being a Cold War spy thriller to a WWII resistance movie.

All the Community Notes will just say “Dog? Dog.”

I haven’t gotten to S2 because I found S1 so not-what-Asimov-wrote that I was annoyed, but I will say in retrospect that I admire how willing the show was to troll its audience with “Gaal Dornick is a black woman? Wait, Salvor Hardin is ALSO a black woman? Are you just super-woking us for no reason at all?” until you

True, but (only ever having seen about that one as well) I’m not going to forget which one has Bruce Campbell. (Also, those other two titles could probably have been switched and nobody would have complained.)

One result of this whole thing is that I finally will remember which USA-broadcast-two-white-guys-one-of-them-sort-of-unsavory show is Suits and which one is White Collar.

It was definitely weird seeing that and Rocketman in the same season and realizing they were talking about the same actual person.

This seems like one of a small group of movies that were sort of “made for an audience that does not actually exist”. I haven’t seen it so I’m curious: is the first half really made as if it is not a horror movie, and more to the point, has anyone ever accidentally seen it because they thought it was a romcom? My

the Forgotten Realms, one of Dungeons & Dragons’ oldest and most-explored settings”

I’m not sure I can take the revelation that Oliver Putnam wrote a song that good.

It didn’t help that some people misspelled it with the circumflex on the first e so that it looked like the French word.

I haven’t seen the TV show, but just reading the summary here it strikes me as interesting/useful that they reuse the names that Cronenberg gave his male twins, Beverley and Elliot, which are rarely-male and usually-but-not-always-male at least in the US.  (As in Will&Grace’s Beverley Leslie, I guess.   Maybe a