
My Name is Earl (2006 vs Mulaney’s 2014) is an AA show without the alcoholism, just the amends. I mean, where do you think the name comes from!? “Hi, my name is X, and I’m an alcoholic...” — right?

I’m not sure if TED talks being very close to social media is itself part of your bit or not.

Somehow none of the reporting that I’ve seen addresses the fact that an eating disorder hotline is somehow part of some capitalism deep enough that it fired everyone for unionizing, illegal?  

Piker.  (Get it? Pike-r?)

I did watch and enjoy the first season, eventually, and had the later seasons on my list of “get back to someday”.

Something else.  The CW Stargirl will be deleted by Max, not Disney.  (I’m assuming, eventually.)

Based on this:

Here’s a series of “really?”s on another Burt Bacharach song. At least to me, since I hadn’t known any of the constituent facts:

Add “What you need to know....” Fuck you, you don’t know me or my needs.

Isn’t this how Remote Play works now, though?  Not that I’ve tried it for real outside my home.

That was also said about fellow CW series The Vampire Diaries: it burned through plot like never before. Probably not a total coincidence.

Not a callback, but a reference from a couple of weeks ago that I forgot to bring up: at one point a soccer ball hits (and cracks?) the window of Higgins’ office, and he mutters “Juuuust a little bit outside”, which is a reference to Major League, which the show is pretty open about stealing its initial setup from.

I’m working on the fact that a radio cooking show was extremely popular.  (Although once you understand that they had radio ventriloquists...)

The correct answer should be “for fun, EXACTLY LIKE YOU ARE NOW EXPERIENCING”.

The same logic that says “you took the job and can’t complain” also says “you hired those people and if they decide they don’t want to work there any more you’ll have to find some more people, I guess.”

You’re probably confusing it with Rutherford Falls, on Peacock, which is also NA-themed and also is two words and starts with “R”.

Extra rumors, from the media blog “Puck” on April 28th -- they have more problems than a WGA strike:

Also in Jane the Virgin, but in all those cases, except for Parks and Rec, I wonder: was the rest of the series actually set X years in the past, or is the post-jump series set in our future? The bulk of Barry can’t reasonably be 8 years in the past, if only because the industry wasn’t at its crazy “cancel a streaming

Some people mistakenly think that putting a secondary fridge in the garage would help the appliance be more efficient because it’s already cold out there, especially in the winter. But, as Haselman explains, any fridge that’s in an extreme temperature situation is going to work hard to maintain its status quo, which

That’s a fair question, and yes I was filling in something that wasn’t explicitly there.  Hand-waving, I would expect that some reporter would have asked the nearby fans what they had heard.