
Renamed, sold, and dead.

I hate people who start a comment with “Um....” (did you know that at the old Television Without Pity board, it was a banning offense?”).

It’s actually interesting to go through the Best Picture winners (and nominees) from decades ago and see how many of those are adaptations.  What they are not, however, is “15th in the franchise”.

There was talk at the time about the nomination being a spoiler.

In retrospect it also casts a pall over Soapdish, which that aspect aside is one of my favorite movie farces ever.

Four of the actors on The Conners are playing characters they first played in 1988, although obviously there was a 20-year break in there.

Yeah, I remember something about an ant infestation in Northern Exposure, and Joel (that Joel, not this Joel) asks Marilyn for some “native wisdom about nature” or some such on avoiding ants. Deadpan answer: “Don’t leave food out.”

Ah, thanks.

They did, although David Dastmalchian’s name is in the end credits and I’m pretty sure he’s on the cutting room floor.

Meanwhile DC is out here just praying that Ezra Miller doesn’t outright murder anyone before June.

No, this is also a little bit confused: You get your $105 PLUS their $100. Which, yes, is still $205, but it’s tricky enough that it’s worth keeping the two sides straight. Also, people mostly don’t actually do that: they bet the amount they want to bet, and accept the winnings that come from it. So they bet $100 to

“... this mirror image of recreated scenes seems to be a common element of the show.”

It was two paragraphs earlier and didn’t stand out to me as a phrase that would get/need an acronym.

I guess it was a zombie show last week.  Ha ha ha !

The moments when the movies fuck with the comic-book audience are my favorite. Like, that’s Liz Allen, right? — No.

You may have to check case by case; per WP, Handmaid’s is actually made by MGM, and presumably licensed by Hulu in the US.  ... except that the DVDs of the 1st 3 seasons were released by Fox, but the 4th was from Warner’s.  Sounds like a mess.

As with garage doors: don’t rely on an elevator’s bounce-back detection (or whatever it’s called) to work when you stick your hand into the gap to stop it closing. People die on elevators not from the whole thing suddenly falling (mostly), they die getting fucked up in the moving parts.

If nothing else, to avoid the finance people having to work hard the last few days of December.

Thanks, sincerely.

Jesus, could you fill the rest of us in then?  I already had to guess that “TRA” means “trans rights activist” and I’m not sure.