
I’m very old, so mine is the Get Smart closing music (which is sort of scary-lite); in particular, I had a very bad childhood scare (of nothing real, you know, a scary comic book) one Saturday afternoon and I associated the music with “can’t sleep, clowns will eat me [it was not a clown]”.

It’s astonishing how closely MPR follows the original, almost scene by scene. Except for the deep sadness of the opening about Michael’s wife, and a very long bit of plot at the end, the closeness is downright embarrassing. Like, Uncle Albert becomes another relative who has trouble with gravity, at pretty much the

That is hottest possible misspelling of Ripley!

I never finished the Netflix series, but between the different helmet and the fact that Jen hadn’t heard of him, are we being told that those shows are definitely not in this continuity?

I know we don’t approvingly quote Scott Adams anymore, but back in the 80s-90s he called this a “confusocracy”; he was referring to phone companies but the concept is still valid. You can’t figure out how good a deal it because you can’t understand it in the first place. 

As always, “Ha ha, I convinced you all I am an idiot!” is not the pwn you think it is.

I mean, sure, this thread is full of people saying “I don’t go to many movies nowadays”, which is true, but it looks like 15 times as many people went to “some other movie” than went to Bros, so people are going to something.

Yes, this is an ongoing problem. At least the cast box isn’t filled with the guest stars from the 3rd episode, as happened with Reboot.

Second ref to EB as ersatz Elliot Gould in these comments!  Surprising to me but I guess I can see it.

I’m not an expert on Ricean vampires, but “can enter a church” is usually impossible for them in most fictions, and that doesn’t apply here either.

This is also (seriously) why you should never Google “[insert mild symptom] cancer”.

AFAIK the standard thing is 2 years as secondary, then up to main cast.  Punkie’s been there since 2020.

This is what Matt Groening said about the music industry’s piracy complaints in Life is Hell, over 30 years ago: “Instead of making billions and billions of dollars, they’re only making billions of dollars.”

Next you’ll tell me that my mom is right to never close a Safari tab so that there are 200 open when I go to see her.

Sam Bee’s show ran for 7 years until only being cancelled because TBS is getting out of scripted content altogther. Admitted, it wasn’t a 4-5 times a week show so maybe a different category.

OK, help me out. I’m convinced that the Scottish-accented second-in-command is, essentially, a character I’ve seen before...somewhere, somehow. Especially in his intro “yes, sir, quite right, sir”. But I can’t pin it down. Although I sort of think I’m remembering...some Disney animated character? Like, Smee, or

She was The Woman in Morbius, as well, which I eventually saw on streaming, and my point here is that I only know that from looking her up, because I didn’t find her memorable, whereas in this show after 1.5 I seconds I was in love.  I can’t imagine how misused she must have been in the other thing for me (and sounds

Speaking of side-eye: Nikki shoots a look at the camera in her last scene with Mallory, which might be meaningful or it might just be something GG did that they decided to leave in.

Episode 1: “Say hello to THESE!” ... is a line of dialogue not in the show.  But.

For obvious logical reasons, the long list of sitcom reboots that the execs mention at the start does not include “Mad About You”, but boy should it.