
The actual, original mainframe Rogue implemented a single-use save point.

It’s more than that; it’s the culmination of Thor’s entire arc, from an well-meaning but entitled doltish prince to someone who is genuinely overjoyed that his comrade has been proven to be at least as worthy as he himself is.

Wikipedia has no inside information.

The episode threatens that, for the moment, Kara will stay in Midvale, which will be another timeline change they have to fix before they go the Future!

Did he have two heads, one for each non-contiguous term?

My first exposure to him was in Not Brand Ecch (an entire series of Marvel self-parodies from 1966-?, for those who don’t know), as Batroc ze Beeper.

The CC made this a bit clearer by capitalizing His (He/Him/His, you know).

I just decided that’s a deliberate pun.  Prove me wrong!

The realization that Alan Moore was an optimist is sobering.

I understood.  This was an addition to your point, not a contradiction.

This was the original meaning of the term “downsizing”, a polite way of having prices go up with actually raising prices.  The use of it for “layoffs” came later.

I’ve observed that a lot of stores will stock items with the oldest expiration dates up front.”

And counterweight: don’t buy it just because it’s on sale.

Side note that might as well go here: in every single grocery store, the Oreos are at one end or the other of the main cookie aisle. Nabisco pays to make that happen so they’ll stand out.

Ah, I think I know the British show you’re talking about.  Two shows, really, right?

Minus the hair, I think she even looks a little like SMG.

Just like nobody ever said “Boy, I really feel like a Leftover!” on that show.

I have never seen such sharp-edged shoulders in my life.

Belushi: <smash> Sorry, man.

I don’t know if I was supposed to think this, but there’s a little moment where Sam and Bucky are looking at Walker and the bloody shield, and I can hear them thinking “I do NOT want to be in the pictures of this that everyone around us is taking.”