
“..says woman who voted for the Lizard People Eating Children Party.”

Or go the Newsradio route and just put them in space!

I honestly thought the cop-frying scene was going to turn out to be a fantasy by Jeff as he stood with guns pointed at him. But no!  

I suppose it’s a warning that not all iMessage features will be available in this conversation, but I’m willing to believe it’s also Apple being sort of a dick about it.

Everyone has their preferences, you do you. I am of that working force that is not going to answer the phone, and will answer chat & texts. To each their own.

About 20/30 years ago there was a claim that I Love Lucy is on some TV station somewhere in the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a weeks.  

Can’t wait for show-in-a-show WandaVision to be on a streaming service!

If I’m not stoned when I watch it, it’s not Mary Hartman.

Featuring the very not-for-kids “Reproduction”, by the guy who wrote “Burning Love”.

I was wondering for a second if the X-Men movies might exist as movies in the MCU, but that doesn’t quite work because those movies knew about W&P before anyone in the MCU did. (In which case someone might have pointed that out at some point.) I suppose it’s possible that by the end of all this they might be conjured

The answer to all of these questions is “any store that sells candy at all”. Seriously, you think it’s hard to find candy corn?

Wow, that’s a lot.  Thanks.

I try hard not to be a straight guy who makes remarks about any lesbian being hot...but...for some reason, when Kate said “I’m Kate McKinnon as myself” and smiled, I completely fell in love. (She seemed so...happy to be herself?)  I’m not proud, but it’s the truth.

Wow, the Devil’s a dick.

Reddit’s a big place, but r/wallstreetbets’ proud self-created motto is “like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal”, so OP’s ire is not badly misplaced.

Mayday Malone’s still got it!

Like when I paid $18 for Shadow of the Tomb Raider about 2 months ago. I think it would be nice if Sony had a policy of “if we put it on PS+ and you bought it within the last month, here’s a refund”. Of course, I would think that.

I guess the best excuse is that all those shows were set in the same universe at their creation, so it’s not “ambitious”.

As I recall from the book, this is mostly true, but with a caveat: the fact that the real estate market crashed from bad loans was the fault of the people making bad loans.  The fact that the shorts on the bad loans ended up crashing the financial system, and destroyed more than one super-solid investment firm, was