
There are multiple copies, including those in the Library of Congress.

Also, report for impersonation, in case that has any effect even for a moment.

“All money is, in some sense, a shared illusion” does not mean “and so, here, buy my magic beans”.

I would accept payment in bitcoin, but only because I know how to turn it into money.

Every time I see the Tardis actually moving through space I just wince and get sad. Seriously, is the idea that it makes that noise, then materializes in outer space, travels, and then...teleports loudly back to the ground? It’s both logically and aesthetically terrible.

How is that any better? It’s still 10 clicks, assuming you open each one in a new tab; if you forget and just click, it’s 20.  Also, listing the starting page actually makes it worse.

OF COURSE I paid $17 for it about 3 weeks ago.  OF COURSE I did.

This seems like it wandered in from The Onion of years ago, and I’m all for it. (For all I know Gwen once wrote for them.)

The opening mall action scene definitely had vibes of the first two Reeve films.

Agree. Can we make The Doctor even more specialer? Sure can!

My least favorite is “It’s a disease with a 99% survival rate”, which they say because they figure 99% is the biggest percent there is that’s not 100, right?  And then also believe that we should “just let everyone get it”.  So, 3.3 million dead Americans?  Uh, hold on, gotta make that percentage even bigger...

The Hat was never wrong, as such, but was unable to say “You’re asking the wrong question”.

Juno’s-Dad J.K. Simmons, or Whiplash J.K. Simmons?

I think there’s a good chance nobody on the set knew what the final thing turned out to be.  I don’t even think the characters know about it, now that I think of it. 

It would be a dramatic big band sting, as heard on The Goon Show.  [Example hard to find before my laziness took over.]

Which just raises the question, how did those tanks appear without the wife noticing?

Available January 4

Blockbuster ignored Netflix’s streaming service until it was about to put them out of business, by which time it was too late. Why theaters don’t develop streaming platforms is beyond me.”

It isn’t (wasn’t?) universal, but I’ve seen reserved seating that disallowed leaving one empty seat between your seat(s) and somebody else.

This is my epiphany about the way the first several books rely a lot on mysteries with big solutions; they’re books for people who have not (yet) read a lot of books. Which is fine! (Having said that, #4's big reveal is pretty good. The “skeeter” thing telegraphs itself about 1000 pages in advance though.)