

I mean, yes, but also it’s no longer “the last of our wedding cake”, it’s “another piece of cake like that”.

In addition to watching the super-skilled, some games lend themselves to watching somebody who’s never played that particular game before figure the game out as they go. The Soulsborne games lend themselves to this, and I’m often up for watching a little of a blind playthrough.

See also “butterface”; the Tagalog sound like it’s equally sort-of-a-joke.

Superman would make more sense as a final boss, after you’ve learned how to counter strength, heat-vision, and whatever else individually. Hell, a fair proportion of the bosses in video games could be reskinned as the Hulk and it would work perfectly. (I’m playing through Nioh now, and the big Onis might as well be

They just announced that September’s games include PUBG, for one.

I think I remember that “uninhabitable for weeks or months” clause from the Katrina forecast.

or even if it was a real movie at all and not some memory of one from an alternate, dystopian timeline

Young Michael Crichton saw this, thought “But what if dinosaurs?”

That song must have been a sloppy mess, as I used to argue with someone that the previous line was not “I’m not talking bout Meridan” [moving in].

I actually sat down once to see if I could establish that Britain has more fictional TV murders per year than real ones. I mean, have you seen what’s on Acorn and Britbox? Nothing but.  (I was wrong, by the way.)

Y2K Week!

This idea is not original to me but it’s absolutely right: Moffat’s problem with both DW and Sherlock — more so on the second, I think — is that neither show is really “supposed to” be about the title character. That character is a device to bring us into an anthology of SF/mystery stories, respectively. But no, DW is

For some reason this is one of my favorite Seinfeld bits:

And in the name of accuracy, she’s not “Yale’s Head of College”, she’s the Head of Silliman College, which is a “residential college”, which at Yale is like a dorm you’re associated with for all four years.

For those who weren’t watching Cloak and Dagger, they did a nice meta-bit where a key female character’s love interest was most literally fridged, as in “body found in fridge”.

I keep being amazed by the fact that Jenna Ellis has Jenna Bush’s first name, and the last name of a branch of the Bush family (Jeb stands for John Ellis Bush, for a start, and there are other cousins in politics named Ellis), but is somehow not actually related.

Also, the child is — unwisely, as it turns out — named after the answer to the question “Where’s Fitz?”  We can share the No-Prize.

I’m now going to complain about something incidental and silly that I haven’t had a good place to rant about, so bad luck all of you. That joke form at the beginning of article, a recently popular bit, is backwards, and is always backwards. To recap:

Also playing (or coming soon) to that theater: G. I. Robot (which I never heard of before now, and I know a fair bit about comics, but it’s “real”) and Prez. Which is silly, because Prez would nowadays be a Disney Channel film, not a theatrical.