
This is the most offensive comment I’ve seen in ages. It should be, “He has a truly irresponsible number of children.”

Are you sure it wasn’t someone doing a Rich Little impression?

Talking out of my ass, but: probably works better internationally if you drop the actual English words.

You’re a good parent.

I’m now imagining it being available on tablets but not phones, and cracking up about it.

Incidentally, the episode title was a fair piece of foreshadowing, since it’s (almost) a quote from the end of Wrath of Kahn. That is, it’s close enough that I actually thought it was, and presumed somebody would die. (Actual quote seems to be “I have been... and always shall be... your friend”.)

“Grandkids”, which I take to mean “I refuse to admit that I am old enough to have grandchildren”.

In fact, my reaction to “DH” was that it’s “Darling Hubby” not “Dear Husband”, and now I realize this reaction is solely because of JT.

Now do the Clickhole version!

Needs one more Parma.

[Outside edit window] -- “knobs” is the word I wanted, not “buttons”.  Late-night posting, jeez.

Fun fact (that I learned recently so now you will too): in London, the crosswalks have, on the bottoms of their control boxes, little graspable buttons that turn or not depending on whether you have the light or not. This is so that people whose vision and hearing are both impaired can know, by touch, when to walk.

YES that the closing theme was derived from the real theme, now that Perry’s a lawyer. I’m now convinced they’re just teasing us, and we’ll get it for real at the end.

Ah.  If you go to the actual Peacock Help page online, you learn that it’s only Chromecast 2nd-gen or better that works.

I remember The Jackie Thomas Show, the weird semi-meta show about the staff of a TV show whose star, Jackie Thomas, was played by Tom Arnold.

With all these shows, though, the question is not “what network was it on”, but “what studio produced it”.  Which is why Friends is on HBO Max: it was on NBC but produced and owned by Warner Brothers.

I’m seeing that complaint around...I suspect it’s some anti-piracy thing that doesn’t handle the multi-monitor case properly.  But that’s just a guess...point being, sounds fixable (eventually).

Yeah, they’ve taken the “old-time tv channel” metaphor a little far.  It’s like 1975!  You’ll watch what’s on and like it!

I know that’s the official list of platforms there, but I despise when outlets include Chromecast on that list. What they mean is, if you have one of the other platforms, you can cast from that to Chromecast; a Chromecast (current version at least) can’t do anything on its own. Having said that, two extra points:

Ito’s villain-ish-ness is already a running joke. There’s a bit last week where he’s mad at Cindy and throws something or other hard, towards off-camera, and you hear one of his thugs yell “Ow!”.