
Pat ain’t helping by yelling “Courtney!” at her from inside the robot.

Like the joke goes, “Hey, you’re the one with all the dirty pictures”.

“MSDNC” is a crack about the network being a puppet of the Democrats (Democratic National Committee), but “MSDEN” is beyond me. I’m sure it’s a hoot, though.

Maybe “riots make Trump look bad, so they’re fake”?  I’m stretching, yes, since you’d think it plays the other way.  No, I think it’s just “any stick will do”.

Agreed.  I think the whole argument would have been better received if posed as “you should know that a lot of people hear periods as being rude”, rather than “the way I text is the CORRECT way”.

It seems like it’s purely generational. I’m a retired software developer and have been using electronic messaging since the late 1970s, and I use periods at the end of a sentence. It may be true that younger people hear it differently, but don’t go telling me it’s because I don’t know how computers or messaging work.

What’s fascinating here is that we’ve all just learned that the phrase “this conversation is over” is, itself, ambiguous.  Some people took it as a statement of fact, and some people heard it as a snippy “this conversation is OVER!”

That usage of literally, and complaints about it, are literally over a century old. There’s plenty to dislike about it, but “it’s the newest sign of the language apocalypse” is not one of them.

“I’m looking forward to this Scottish restaurant...Macdonald’s?”

People love to shit on Friends, but the scene where Monica and Selleck are dancing, they start to talk about children, he says “I’ve had my children”, and five seconds later they realize they’ve just broken up...well, I remember it.

I think I fond this link a couple of weeks ago somewhere here on AV Clib, but here it is again:

<i>Okay, that monitor with the glass viewer was a “Brazil” reference.</i>

Also, only John could “plausibly” have British money for the bus.

As a big fan of Sky High, all the stuff about being a sidekick and how it’s an honorable status seemed pretty familiar.

Agreed, and I also think the act breaks are weak because the whole thing was made for a commercial-free outlet and shipped over to the CW.  I bet as conceived there isn’t even a break between parts.

Ha! I’m covered with a “fell into the hands of” because I thought it scanned better!

Homer/Castellenata’s “stage whisper” is always welcome.

I hadn’t seen that, it’s great.  Another application of this principle is the amount of Monty Python that’s more specific parodies of things than many Americans realize, especially 50 years later (OH HOLY SHIT 50 YEARS).

An American version of Malcolm Tucker would be most of the people on Veep, which, as it was created and originally written by the same person as Tucker, somehow both supports and contradicts your point, which is itself impressive.  (Also of course it played on HBO, not broadcast.)

Unless you’re Canadian (and you might be!) be careful about judging any country’s TV by what gets imported here. As I’m seeing from the plethora of 3rd-tier streaming services desperate for content from any English-speaking country, Canada, Australia and New Zealand do churn out plenty of derivative crud.