Man, Big Dick is pretty damn unafraid of pissing off a guy he presumes has committed at least one murder recently, isn’t he?
Man, Big Dick is pretty damn unafraid of pissing off a guy he presumes has committed at least one murder recently, isn’t he?
I wondered that myself, and the only thing is that I don’t remember for sure if they know his specific background; he’s Veronica’s guy who disarmed the Carrs, and maybe that was enough for them.
Reported elsewhere: it has a one-season streaming blackout on the new episodes, so it’s Pop (which you may or may not have) or nothing. There has been speculation about near-term second-run on CBS itself, and with new production having shut down in general I suppose that’s a live possibility.
During BB I think Gilligan said that AMC allowed one f-bomb per season.
Best is some animal that you’re not 100% sure is legal to own and you’re not about to ask.
Really, didn’t Kate just hear that this guy used to “treat” Mouse with fear gas? Why would she put Alice there? It’s bullshit.
If you have any attachment to super heroes at all, Sky High is a do-not-miss.
The weirdest kind of “good” news: if we get down to Pelosi, the House then instantly elects a new Speaker -- maybe a younger one -- who is then second in line again. (Well, third, if both the House and Senate approve a new VP...but would they in that situation?)
But why did he stop going by ‘Jake’? Is it because ‘Jacob’ has more gravitas in his new line of work?
I may be just really down about the news right now, but this has become so horrifying I may have to drop it. Also, I can’t imagine any viewer actually being sad that Cartwright is dead, after watching everything he did, and I certainly don’t care about Kate’s soul in all this.
For those who get here before the relevant news: NY theaters to shut down until April 12th.
Because she finds it useful that everyone thinks she’s dead.
I feel like the show’s writers don’t understand how faces work? Alice cuts off Duella’s face intact and just...lays it on top of her actual face, and that makes her look just like her (including normal lip motion and expressions), until she flicks it off and there’s her normal face with not even any blood on it. Then…
From Three Amigos: “[x]? We don’t need no stinkin’ [x]!”
Clark Gable.
That scene was not designed for a 55-inch TV. When I saw it a couple of years ago I was honestly confused as to why they had suddenly cut to a fight between two people I didn’t know.
I did stumble into the first ep of the spinoff Women of the House on Amazon Prime, featuring Suzanne as a Congresswoman serving out her late husband’s term. The first segment introduces her brother, played by Jonathan Banks, who Suzanne happily refers to as a “retard”. And not because nobody knew better then, either;…
I want to know if Bigfoot is in the source material (such as it is), or if Jason Segal is the missing link (ho ho ho) between BF here and Marshall Erickson’s belief in same.
I also got some at Dollar Tree. Noticed it was made in China. It’s probably fine.
Check out Scorcese’s The Last Waltz.