
A couple of things. First of all, at any given funeral/wake/whatever, most people attending are sad but not feeling intense grief. They want food.

I just want to post my favorite unheralded bit from American Housewife: that Taylor’s idiot boyfriend always calls Greg/Katie, Mr, and Mrs. Otto, “Mr./Mrs. A”.

“Prince Albert” is a brand of tobacco. The “prank”, such as it is, is to call a relevant store and ask “Do you have Prince Albert in a can?”; when they answer yes, you say “well you better let him out then” and hang up.

Their Bars are pretty tasty.

It’s worth mentioning that, at the Federal level, sexual orientation is not protected.  There are various state laws that do.

I find ads on “real” TV easier to handle because my DVR can zip through them.

As the line goes, “it checks out”.

Every time I heard of Treadstone (The Bourne spinoff) I asked myself “is that the Gina Torres one?”  It was not.  I guess.

The Guardian also goes with the Newsboy Legion; presumably Simon Kirby could be the first member of such a thing.

I would also expect the new company to rename CatCo since Cat Grant has been out of the picture for 2 or 3 years.

The Wicked Witch of the West.  Source: multiple generations of children’s nightmares.

On the other hand I’m impressed that the show know to say The Times of London rather than The London Times, which American shows get wrong a lot.

Nobody called 35 “middle-aged” even in the 1970s.

There are co-production rules, which is how all those Masterpiece shows are eligible.  But, for instance, Doctor Who is not.

Am I correct that the last scene of The Poseidon Adventure is this:

No, the question is about in-the-show twins, not twins (Olsen or other) playing one baby/child.

This seems like a good place to remind people that Cloak and Dagger is quite good. (Related: people say “shit” in the 8PM hour on FreeForm.)

Christ is the past participle of Chris, yes.

He looks like Kinda-Fucked-Up John Waters, which is saying something.

Not gonna look for it, but also Ronan Farrow, when his biological parentage was, let’s say, questioned: