
If you don’t mind well-known unauthorized sources, it looks like it’s available that way.

Goddammit, “it’s a stretch” was right there.

Thanks, I wondering if they really didn’t say his name earlier, for fans with long memories, and I’ll take that as “yes”.

Yup. The No-Prize can be seen here:

“I am Kara Zor-El of Krypton” -- so now she openly uses the same first name in both identities?  Maybe Alex is literally the only person in world who doesn’t know they’re the same person.

I won a No-Prize, received the empty envelope, and then...threw it out when we moved, because it was just an empty envelope.  Gaaaah.

Per the subtitles, it was specifically “Little Weirdos 2". (From WP: Adlon herself has been in two “2"s, Grease 2 and “The Gate II: Trespassers)”.

“Now, THAT’S what I call a Game Night!”

We’ve met him already in S2, although he didn’t have the hat, I don’t think.  But yes, that’s the implication I took from that.

Freed of the knowledge that Supergirl and Kara are the same person, Alex discovers a mighty attraction to Supergirl.

Also, I notice that sometimes there are fewer episodes of series during sweeps because there are big events on other channels and the series don’t want to compete. That’s why Supergirl/Charmed took 2 weeks off, because of the Super Bowl and the Grammys. I don’t know that it applies in this case.

More to the point is the TNG episode Cause and Effect, to which this episode’s title is a direct reference.

I literally believe this show will continue until one of the core four either dies or is forced to retire for medical reasons.

This might accidentally be helpful to disabled folks.

That Simpsons episode is credited to Nell Scovell, which means that she wrote the outline that the episode started as, and participated in the final script as well. There is a whole chapter on this in her book Just the Funny Parts.

He is, but the scene I referred to has not happened, as of the end of the 1st season which is all I’ve seen.  I think the wife character was seen or referred to, but the whole thing is pre-TOS so it’s just an ironic Easter egg.

For a nerd of a certain age, the array of identical reprimanding ex-wives brought only one thing to mind: “HARCOURT FENTON MUDD YOU...”

As an extra fact, whose meaning I can’t quite guess, just before it switches from two images to one, Nadia carries something (I forget what) like a torch in her left hand in one half of the screen and the right hand in the other half.

I’m surprised the show didn’t give that doctor a quick line about how women’s heart attacks often don’t look like men’s; I will assume they thought of it and rejected it as too lecture-y.

And finally, in Season 5, I noticed that the two sisters each married a man with a woman’s name for a last name: Paul Jillian and Vernon Barbara.