
Clockwork Orange was originally rated X, back when that was a usable rating that didn't mean porn.

They've added articles to the comments now?

We need a "Terrible, Terrible Job Internet" on that Mandela crap. Those people are all kidding, right? I'm afraid to watch any more videos because I don't want to see them in my recommended list.

In that ad up above with JLD holding up the panties, she looks more like Watkins than she does like herself.

And it's actually Sarah saying that line, so maybe more "self"-aware than is immediately apparent.

Wearing the tiniest suicide vest.

She's prominently featured in Other Space, which may still be available on Yahoo. It's only 8 half-hour episodes and worth the time.

Shows should have separate east and west coast live-tweet feeds. This now seems so obvious I expect someone to say all shows do it.

Also, Mom always carries a killing knife around.


And if so, we'll see evidence of it on the real-world site.

I think that one got used in an animated special, which makes it more memorable.

Without knowing how old your father is: bear in mind that plenty of the core "Greatest Generation", the people between 18-30 who fought WWII, were too young to have voted for FDR, especially in his first 2 elections. They certainly weren't the people who created the New Deal; those were people 20 years older or more.

And when his mission is done…he's finally ready to press Delete. (And shoot himself, too, but…)

Also, if we're reviving the thread, and talking about unfair things the game does: how about when a massive boss jumps back 50 feet like a marionette on springs? I can't do that.

If you mean the massive "Power restored" (?) message: I looked at my life bar, said "well, THAT'S not what it does", then stopped thinking about it.

Wikipedia claims he's only 53. Do we believe that? That's a lot of old-guy skin he's wearing. (And JLD 55. I guess women in Hollywood NEED to get work done, and men don't.)

And then, buried in the middle..nuke policy.

The thing is, Jack is actually making sense here — and he makes close-to-sense enough that when he goes too far he's just slid over a line. In this case, that sentence should be punctuated like this:

Except when people say "Word" as a sentence, which is sort of a new meaning.