
Possibly a reference to DC's Guardians of the Universe, the group who created Green Lantern's power ring.

Oh hell yeah. Jimmy is James? Well, OK. James is black? Sure. James knows Clark is Superman? I'm not thrilled, but I can deal. But James-who-knows-Clark-is-Superman lets it slip during conversation? Oh HELL no.

My favorite ratings fact about CEG is that, among men, it scores a 0.0. Plus me.

Bethesda graphics complaints are usually about the character models, not the scenery — which I agree was pretty great in Skyrim.

Scorcese's "After Hours" came to mind as I was watching, which has that same anxiety-dream quality.

It'll be about that time the Doctor regenerated into somebody named Richard, and Moffat will have felt so very, very clever.

Isn't he more of a threat than a menace, though?

If you know entire sentences of German, I defer to you.

I watch with captioning on, so I don't know what was or was not clear, but: that word Luisa thought was "murder" was given as "Mutter", which is German for "mother", so her mother is behind it for some reason. Note that they keep showing her in fantasy sequences even though she's supposedly not active in the plot, to

The Fleischers were 200% weirder, more reliably. See, for instance, "Balloon Land" aka "Pincushion Man".

"Patty Spivot" sounds like a name that an obviously-lying sitcom character would make up for his non-existent girlfriend.

I took a different angle on that: if Dodd is "dancing with [a] girl", but the girl is a man, then Dodd's gay. So painting that picture out loud is an insult in that context. Lou's careful not to repeat the image the second time, clarifying "you're talking to the wrong guy", but once is enough.

I laughed so hard at that song I ended up in a coughing fit, which happens to me…very rarely.

Why are we discussing how Kevin knows Patti's "story" if she's not real? If she's not real, we have no reason to think that story's true at all.

Contra the article's claim, I'll point out I can get Yahoo Screen on at least two devices attached to my real TV: my TiVo and my Xbox 360.

[mutters] I didn't know it was a school….

God, I'd love to read a serious piece about All That Glitters, because I remember it fondly but you can't see it anywhere, and if you describe it people think you're insane. A whole soap opera set in a parallel world where women are the powerful gender! A subplot about a couple who plays a domination game where the

I could imagine getting into a water bar, but it would really help to be drunk.

i took it to be "parallel universe school uniforms".

Not quite. People hate going to the dentist, but as a comic trope at least, they hate lawyers. Here are a couple of jokes you'll never hear: